Images not shrinking


Sandy A

Hi All
I have an image field in a report that is linked to a path for a jpg file.
The image displays ok, but even with my section set to shrink/grow, I cannot
get the detail to shrink when there is no image present.
I have code for the detail on Format, which hides/displays other fields
depending on their value; however, I have tried many different combinations
in here for the image but I just can't seem to get it to work.

The frustrating thing is, it works ok in another report that does not have
any code on Format for the section (only the Shrink/Grow properties of the
detail section). Would this be the issue? I have removed the code but it
makes no difference.

Very confused, and hope I am not missing the obvious, but have been over and
over all the basics with no luck.

Any tips would be appreciated,

Sandy A

I have managed to get it working. Unbelievably, i put the code

If IsNull(Me.strImageLocn) Then
Me.Image14.Visible = False
Me.Image14.Visible = True
End If

at the start of my Format sub (and before my other conditional formatting)
instead of at the end.

I don't know why, but it works now.

I have also gone home and rebooted in the meantime, perhaps Access got a bit
Anyway, problem solved! Hope this may help someone else :-o

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