Image Resizer - Powertoys


Earl Partridge

I downloaded MS's Image Resizer for XP Powertoys, installed it and the
only two files created in the folder I specified were phototoys.dll and
PowerToyReadMe.htm. Where would I find the executable or application?

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Phototoys.dll is the main file. After installing the Resizer PowerToy,
you'll find a "Resize Pictures" entry in the context menu when you
right-click an image file type.

Earl Partridge

Would the same be true for "CD Slide Show Generator"? I installed it
and it appears only the .dll file was installed. From where do I start this


Good question. I've been wondering too. I just installed the Powertoys
yesterday and do not know how to use some of them. There are two "slide
show" setup installers but only one shortcut for "slide show" on the Start
Menu for Powertoys. Does the same shortcut handle both of these?
- CD Slide Show Wizard
- HTML Slide Show Wizard
If not, which one does the start menu shortcut go to, and how do you open
the other one?

Earl Partridge

I tried the HTML Slide Show Generator but it appears to create a
manual slide show... where the user has to click the forward button.
I'm mostly interested in creating a CD slide show. And I'm wondering,
why I need this. I simply copied a bunch of .jpg files to a CD and when
I loaded in my TV's DVD player, it played it as a slide show. Also, my
computer (with XP) will play the complete list as a slide show.

I am also wanting to add background music. I found "DubIt" which will do
that but so far I've not been able to adjust the time each slide is
unless I customize each slide.



Microsoft also has a free download called Photo Story 3. I believe you can
add pictures, music, and sound with that; but I have not tried it. I'd like
to know a little more about the CD Slide Show Generator and HTML Slide Show
Generator before just giving up and uninstalling them. Maybe someone more
knowledgeable will post in this thread who can help both of us.

Earl Partridge

I downloaded and installed Photo Story 3. I created a .wmv file with
music. It plays fine on a 2.6 ghz machine, but on a 950 mhz machine, the
plays, the first slide appears for a few seconds, then the screen go black
for over
a minute. I'm guessing to view the .wmv file requires at least a 1.7 ghz

Stan Brown

I downloaded MS's Image Resizer for XP Powertoys, installed it and the
only two files created in the folder I specified were phototoys.dll and
PowerToyReadMe.htm. Where would I find the executable or application?

General question -- can Image Resizer do anything IrfanView
<> can't? Or is it a lot easier to use?

I ask because I'm trying not to install a lot of duplicate programs
on my system. If I've already got IrfanView, is there any reason I'd
need Image Resizer?

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
"To put it bluntly but fairly, anyone today who doubts that the
variety of life on this planet was produced by a process of
evolution is simply ignorant -- inexcusably ignorant, in a world
where three out of four people have learned to read and write."
--Daniel Dennett, /Darwin's Dangerous Idea/ (1995), page 46

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