image file locked after use



I am creating a website updater program. Currently working on the image

replacement module here.

For some reason, after an image (say /images/1.jpg) has been
used/opened in the application. I cannot later overwrite it (during the

application), even after i have closed it.

"\images\posters\" & Me.imagenum & ".jpg", True)"

The process cannot access the file 'C:...\images\posters\1.jpg' because

it is being used by another process.

Is there a way to unload this image so that I can overwrite it? As soon

as my application quits, the lock is removed. I can tell that my
program is locking the file, but the image is not being displayed or
used at that time!!

Form3.PictureBox1.Image = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(imgpath)

is how it is being loaded.

is there a way to unload that? / free up the resource for

another way to do what i'm trying?

please help,



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