IIS 6.0 ASP.NET Process Identity and ODBC


Aras Kucinskas


My WS ASP.NET application runs on IIS 6.0 and should connect to FoxPro DB on
file server over OLE DB ODBC connection. Special user is created on file
server for this application. I cannot find the right solution how to change
Process Identity.

App impersonates some user identity

<identity impersonate="true" userName="MyUser" password="MyPass" />

In this case application can read files with System.IO components on
specified file server directory, but System.Data.Odbc namespace components
not, because the try to connect with default IIS user identity - NETWORK
SERVICE. Maybe the problem is in MTS? Vfpodbc.dll starts in different
process with other identity?

How to find a solution?



Paul Clement

¤ Hi,
¤ My WS ASP.NET application runs on IIS 6.0 and should connect to FoxPro DB on
¤ file server over OLE DB ODBC connection. Special user is created on file
¤ server for this application. I cannot find the right solution how to change
¤ Process Identity.
¤ App impersonates some user identity
¤ <identity impersonate="true" userName="MyUser" password="MyPass" />
¤ In this case application can read files with System.IO components on
¤ specified file server directory, but System.Data.Odbc namespace components
¤ not, because the try to connect with default IIS user identity - NETWORK
¤ SERVICE. Maybe the problem is in MTS? Vfpodbc.dll starts in different
¤ process with other identity?
¤ How to find a solution?

If you need to enable impersonation for a specific user then your web application should be
implementing Basic or integrated NT authentication. Your web site isn't set up for Anonymous access
is it?

Paul ~~~ (e-mail address removed)
Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)

Aras Kucinskas

Thanks. I change application pool's worker process identity in Application
Pools Properties - Identity Tab.

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