If "Status Bar" is ticked, this is not saved when IE is relaunched



If I tick "Status Bar" under "View", it displays the lower
status bar as expected, but if I restart IE browser or
launch a new IE browser, "Status Bar" is no longer ticked.

Please can you let me know if this can be saved.

Thanks alot



I went to the link you advised but unfortunately it did not work. Do you
know what CTRL and CLOSE does? I am assuming this 'saves' the setting
incorporated with Folder Options settings, but not in my case. I checked
the registry and URLinStatusBar is set to 'yes'. I tried changing to 'no'
then reenabling in IE and this also didnt work.

Any further suggestions would be appreciated.



I did try that earlier, but it does not work. I have checked the registry
and it is set to "yes" so the status bar should display but it doesnt....

Any ideas?

Don Varnau

I don't know why
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;330216 didn't work
for you, but here's the relevant part:
- - -
Open Internet Explorer, click View, and then click Status Bar.
Right-click the Toolbar in Internet Explorer, and then click Lock the
Hold down the CTRL key and click the Close button at the upper right corner
to close Internet Explorer.
Right-click Start, click Explore, click View, and then click Status Bar.
Click Tools, click Folder Options, and then click View.
Click the Apply to all folders button.

Note Click OK to confirm that you want to set all the folders to match the
current folder's view settings.
Open Internet Explorer, right-click the Toolbar, and then click Lock the
Hold down the CTRL key and click the Close button at the upper right corner
to close Internet Explorer.
Open Internet Explorer to any page, right-click a link, and then click Open
in New Window

The Status Bar should remain visible.
- - -
Hope this helps,

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