IF statement


Liz J

I am putting together a calculation that would involve using an IF formula.
In sheet 1, cell C5, I want someone to put "Yes" or "No" into the cell. If
they write "Yes" I would like the percentage in cell C6 to calculate into a
cell into Sheet 2. If the answer is "No" I would like the calculation to
equal zero in Sheet 2.

How would I do that calculation?

Thank you for your help!

Kevin B

Try this in cell C6 of Sheet2


Replace the 0.0225 value with whatever formula you're using to calculate the

Hope this helps.

David Biddulph

In your cell on sheet 2, use the formula
=IF(Sheet1!C5="yes",Sheet1!C6,IF(Sheet1!C5="no",0,"answer undefined"))

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