If sheet has no #N/A error then...



I have a large sheet with plenty of DDE links to a market data server.

Depending of the link status and other conditions the sheet updates all the
links after variable lengths of time.

While a link is not updated the cell shows #N/A

Is there a way to quickly check that all DDE links have been updated?

I can check that every cell is not error but that is not good enough.



Tom Ogilvy

You say the check is for #N/A, then say that is not good enough. Perhaps
you mean looping is not good enough

Dim rng as Range
On error resume next
set rng = Range("A1:Z26").Specialcells(xlFormulas,xlErrors)
On error goto 0
if not rng is nothing then
' all updated
' not all updated
end if

this assumes they won't show other type errors such as #Value


Just perfect! Many thanks,

One small thing, it should be if not rng is nothing then "not all updated..

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