"IF" Function limited to 7 in a formula.... need 14



Wow... the limits of Excel are really hurting my sheets here. The limit of 7
uses of "IF" is a killer. Here is my formula, but I still need to add 7 more
refrence cells to complete the sheet. It's used to show the schedule of a
driller for the day, but could be on 14 different tasks. Here is my 7 task
=IF(B29="Gary H.",B27,IF(B25="Gary H.",B23,IF(B21="Gary H.",B19,IF(B17="Gary
H.",B15,IF(B13="Gary H.",B11,IF(B9="Gary H.",B7,IF(B5="Gary H.",B3,"00")))))))

I need to add 7 more references to 7 ajacent cells to the existing ones, but
Excel will not allow it. We have 7 Drill Rigs he could operate, but as either
an Oiler or an Operator, thusly I need 14 tasks that when his name is listed,
it is copied to his row on the calendar to where the cell that has the
formula resides, such as "Monday".

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Peo Sjoblom

Not meaning to be rude but you would probably be better off if you
rearranged your data into a lookup table and used VLOOKUP


you can overcome limitations by using the ampersand like

=IF(B29="Gary H",B27,"")&IF(B25 and so on


Peo Sjoblom

(No private emails please)


Not at all rude, far be it. I will try your suggestions with the ut-most
appreciation. I was not familiar with the VLOOKUP but will educate myself. Be
prepared for further querys however.... hahaha.

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