If certain date is past certain date.



Hi everyone.

I have the following problem if you guys could please help me

Two colums , as below

1 Due Sent
3: 15 Jan 07 16 Jan 07
4: 10 Dec 06
5: 11 Dec 06
6: 12 Dec 06 13 Dec 06
7: 24 Nov 06

I need a formula to advise SLA missed or SLA met.
If Sent date is after due date then - SLA Missed
If Sent date is before due date or on due date - SLA Met

I have tried the following
=IF(B1>=A1,"SLA Missed",IF(B1<=A1,"SLA Met",IF(A1="","",(IFB2="",""))
This shows a mixture of SLA Missed and SLA Met for cell containing one
or both dates.

Thanks all

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