iertutil.dll missing



HELP - Just had an email from Microsoft promoting their IE7 Beta 3.
Foolishly, I thought I would give it a try.

At the end of the installation, it advises me that it has failed, and that I
need to reboot and view the "Internet Explorer Troubleshooting" page on my
Upon rebooting, I try to open up the page, and after starring at a blank
page for 30 seoconds I am greeted with en error that the file "IERTUTIL.DLL"
is missing.

I cant open any webpages, I cant open the Help tab in any explorer window, I
cant even do a system restore as I receive the same error message.

Im stuffed - Can somebody PLEASE help ?


Alan Edwards

Try reading a few of these:

If you don't get what you want, then please post to the IE7 group.
I see in that
the recommended newsgroup is microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

In a proper newsreader:

If you must use a web interface:



Thanks Alan - Ive managed to fix it in the mean time.

I had to install IE7B3 onto a clean copy of xp on a spare pc (which worked
fine), copy the iertutil.dll from its System32, to mine.
Then I could use System Restore to restore back to yesterday, and all is
working fine again (it seems).

You can rest assured I will never be using a Microsoft Beta program on my
main system ever again.

Thanks for your help though !


I am responding to your letter in the fact that I have experienced the
same problem. I to downloaded the Beta 3 IE 7 and cannot access Sys
Restore or another Sys Retore program I have. Further more I load IE6
on my WinXP Pro. with SP2 and it reads that "newer version is
detected , cancelling install"
.. I simply cannot get past unistalling the beta or restoring back to
previous status. Also the startup manager seems to have problems and
registry is effected. My last resort was to instal Netscape from
another computer in order to have internet access. I also did not
currently find any help on Microsoft help center( so far) . Let me
I’ll be checking back with you here. Thanks.

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