IE7 clash



I see very little her about the incompatibility with IE7. Does this mean that
few of you are experiencing the issue or that few have IE7 onboard as yet?
Both my machines tell me that' Windows needs to Close Movie Maker' as soon as
it is launched! Meanwhile I'm trialling Sony Vegas as IE7 is linked into
other software and I don't want to uninstall it. Any advice much appreciated.


the first day after IE7 was released, I saw a few posts about problems with
Movie Maker crashing.... I did a few things

added a section to the bottom of my Problem Solving > Crashes and Hangs page
to start collecting posts and resolutions... no resolutions yet

downloaded and installed IE7 on my laptop, my main movie making system...
with no issues. a day later I downloaded and installed WMP11, also with no
issues... so I wasn't able to personally dig into clues about why the
crashing for those experiencing it

I've been looking at the thousands and thousands of posts at
microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general since the release... lots of
issues but very few mentioning Movie Maker. The MM2 users are probably more
apt to report it here, like you did.


I'd be interested in any clues you can dig out of your Event Viewer. I've
seen problems posted but no real meaty clues yet.

Does it crash the same if you open MM2 before opening IE7?


Thanks for your help. The crashes occur even without IE7 open. The event
viewer gave me this: -

Faulting application moviemk.exe, version 2.1.4026.0, faulting module
qedit.dll, version 6.5.2600.2180, fault address 0x0001b2af.
A second report filed simultaneously reads: Fault bucket 127353417.

I had read things about renaming the qedit.dll file but doing this did not
cure the problem and then XP wouldn't let me reinstate the file name. I had
to do a System Restore to fix that!

Hoping there are enough of us for Microsoft to take notice


QEDIT.DLL didn't change since that version came out with SP2... I'll assume
you had SP2 installed before going to IE7.

it would be worth checking for problem codecs...


Yes SP" and all updates on board on both machines. I started to look at the
codecs so will check again. Have been trying Sony Vegas which is working a
treat so far and similarly user-friendly.

I would like to get MM working though as I'm very familiar with it. Thanks
again for your ideas and help.


Walter said:
I see very little her about the incompatibility with IE7. Does this mean that
few of you are experiencing the issue or that few have IE7 onboard as yet?
Both my machines tell me that' Windows needs to Close Movie Maker' as soon as
it is launched! Meanwhile I'm trialling Sony Vegas as IE7 is linked into
other software and I don't want to uninstall it. Any advice much appreciated.

I am having this exact same problem after installing IE7. Windows Movie
Maker needs to close as soon as it is launched.

John Inzer

Walter said:
Yes SP" and all updates on board on both machines. I started to look
at the codecs so will check again. Have been trying Sony Vegas which
is working a treat so far and similarly user-friendly.

I would like to get MM working though as I'm very familiar with it.
Thanks again for your ideas and help.
Just a thought, but maybe uninstalling IE7
would be the fix for now until we discover
the solution.


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
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I started looking at codecs and updated a few older programmes that came as
OEM packages. Cyberlink 3.0 had a patch detailed on PapaJohn's website but
that didn't fix it. I had still managed to control the Options video filters
dialogue in WM 2 and noticed that checking or unchecking InterDVD/Win DVD
made no difference. I have now uninstalled the whole programme however and
Wm2 now starts successfully! I don't think I have this programme on my laptop
but will now take a look at fixing that error. I will report back here and
also try to find which version of Inter DVD I was using.


Walter said:
I see very little her about the incompatibility with IE7. Does this mean that
few of you are experiencing the issue or that few have IE7 onboard as yet?
Both my machines tell me that' Windows needs to Close Movie Maker' as soon as
it is launched! Meanwhile I'm trialling Sony Vegas as IE7 is linked into
other software and I don't want to uninstall it. Any advice much appreciated.


I've gotten the same; a program crash occurs immediately upon launch.
Here's the data provided on the crash:

Error Signature
AppName: moviemk.exe AppVer: 2.1.4026.0 ModName: qedit.dll
ModVer: 6.5.2600.2180 Offset: 0001b2af

Error Report Contents
Exception Information
Code: 0xc0000005 Flags: 0x00000000
Record: 0x0000000000000000 Address: 0x0000000060cbb2af

System Information
Windows NT 5.1 Build: 2600
CPU Vendor Code: 756E6547 - 49656E69 - 6C65746E
CPU Version: 00000F43 CPU Feature Code: BFEBFBFF

Module 1
Image Base: 0x01000000 Image Size 0x00000000
Checksum: 0x003696bl Time Stamp: 0x41107b63
Version Information
Signature: feef04bd
StrucVer: 00010000
FileVer: (2.1:4026.0)
ProdVer: (2.0:0.0)
FlagMask: 0000003f
Flags: 00000000
OS: 00000004
FileType: 00000002
SubType: 00000000
FileDate: 00000000:00000000

I hope this may be enough data for a guru tpo solve the riddle. Ther are
many more modules with similar data, too much to manually typee in here.
Please advise as able. THANKS!

John Inzer

ikonik said:
I've gotten the same; a program crash occurs immediately upon launch.
Here's the data provided on the crash:

Error Signature
AppName: moviemk.exe AppVer: 2.1.4026.0 ModName: qedit.dll
ModVer: 6.5.2600.2180 Offset: 0001b2af

Error Report Contents
Exception Information
Code: 0xc0000005 Flags: 0x00000000
Record: 0x0000000000000000 Address: 0x0000000060cbb2af

System Information
Windows NT 5.1 Build: 2600
CPU Vendor Code: 756E6547 - 49656E69 - 6C65746E
CPU Version: 00000F43 CPU Feature Code: BFEBFBFF

Module 1
Image Base: 0x01000000 Image Size 0x00000000
Checksum: 0x003696bl Time Stamp: 0x41107b63
Version Information
Signature: feef04bd
StrucVer: 00010000
FileVer: (2.1:4026.0)
ProdVer: (2.0:0.0)
FlagMask: 0000003f
Flags: 00000000
OS: 00000004
FileType: 00000002
SubType: 00000000
FileDate: 00000000:00000000

I hope this may be enough data for a guru tpo solve the riddle. Ther
are many more modules with similar data, too much to manually typee
in here. Please advise as able. THANKS!
There's some info on qedit.dll
at the following links:

Movie Maker always has to close

Movie Maker 2 Software Modules


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
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........I am a volunteer.......

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