IE6 stops responding



Ever since I downloaded Windows XP SP2, I have a problem with IE6 not
responding. There is no error message, It will be working just fine when all
of a sudden it just stops responding. The blue bar at the top will display
(Not Responding) when it freezes up. I can click on close and it will close.
I restart it and it works fine again. There doesn't seem to be any
consistency in what I'm accessing that makes it just stop responding. Before
SP2, I never had any problems with it not responding. What causes it to stop
responding and how can I fix it? I run spyware removal programs regularly as
well as running anti-virus software. I do not have any spyware or any


this and a few other problems is why i wont install sp-2 yet. i heard they
were releasing the final code for it at the end of the year. so im waiting
till next year, and keeping up with people comments and problem with sp-2
till they fix the darn thing then i will put it on. you really dont have to
have it if you keep the sp-1 and stay current with all updates other than
sp-2. i dont have any problems without it. just make sure you have a good
antivirus and firewall prg running and get spybot search and destroy along
with adawarese 1.05 and spyware blaster running too. thats all you need for
now. to remove the sp-2 just go to add/remove and remove it then use a good
registry cleaner to wipe off the now broken entries it leaves. along with any
other crud thats there. i use regseeker but im really thinking of getting
registry mechanic 3 since it can also fix links in the registry besides
cleaning them out. hope this info helps.


I'm sorry you are having trouble, but I sure was happy to see this post! I
am having the exact same problem as you are. The only difference is that my
computer came with XPSP2 already installed. It was working fine until
yesterday when this started happening with increasing frequency and at this
point browsing is nearly impossiblewith the continual "hanging"! I saw the
answering post but with my SP2 already in and running ok until now hopefully
someone can come up with a solution for me!

Jan Il

Hi Kimmons :)

What kind of connection do you have? Dialup, DSL, Cable...? What version of
Windows do you have?

Hope this helps :)

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows (IE/OE)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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Hi Jan,
I have been trying to answer this for nearly two hours and the computer
stopped responding every time I hit reply. Although it may be a temporary fix
(any thoughts would be appreciated) I finally did a restore back to April 1,
before the trouble started and I was able to reply right away! I have a DSL
connection, Windows XP version 2002. Hope you can help, thanks!

Jan Il

Hi Kimmons :)
Hi Jan,
I have been trying to answer this for nearly two hours and the computer
stopped responding every time I hit reply. Although it may be a temporary
(any thoughts would be appreciated) I finally did a restore back to April
before the trouble started and I was able to reply right away! I have a
connection, Windows XP version 2002. Hope you can help, thanks!

Are you able to maintain a connection at this time, since the restore? It
could be that something managed to get onto your system without your
knowing, or if you have your updates set to AutoUpdate, perhaps an update
created a problem that the restore has resolved. See if the problem still
exists now and let us know. Then we can help you from there. You should
also create a new restore point as of this date just in case.

Jan :)

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