IE6 Operation Aborted Site Error


Travis Johnson

When I go to certain sites with IE6 service pack 1. I get
an internet explorer error "Internet Explorer cannot open
the Internet Site Operation Aborted"
even though below the error I can see the site completely
load, but cant click on anything. When I click on OK on
the error it sends me to a "The Page cannot be displayed"
error page.

Any thoughts on how to fix this problem.


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

RIck said:
I have the same problem, usually visit iWon news articles and more
recently NY Daily News pages

I was thinking it was a Java problem, but I don't know. I haven't
fixed it yet.


Check for a file named HOSTS with no extension (not Hosts.sam). It may be a
hidden file. Open it with Notepad and remove any line referencing the site.
Or, rename HOSTS to OLDHOSTS

Robert Aldwinckle



Try turning your security settings to Prompt and step your way through
the prompts. Tell us what combinations of responses you use
and what you see with each. You may be able to find a usable set of
responses that allows you to use the site and avoid the error.

Apparently there is some ActiveX used to implement the menus.
Unfortunately I don't know enough about coding to know exactly how
that is being implemented. Usually it is done with Macromedia Flash
but I don't see any sign of it being used here.


Robert Aldwinckle


Thanks Frank and Robert.

I used HijackThis to clean up some crap and now it's working fine.

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