IE6 - Can I delete and d/l again?



I am still having the same problems with IE6...pages
freezing up or not responding. I have talked with my ISP
provider (Sbc yahoo dsl) and they determined it is my
internet explorer. I have netscape 7.1 and it works just
fine, but I prefer having my homepage using IE.

I have deleted my cookies and temporary files and cleaned
out my browser numerous times, but it does not help the

I don't want to go download any spyware or whatever seems
to be the latest "fix" that i see being pushed in these
replies, so please don't tell me to do that.

Rob Parsons

Come on. How can you expect to get better if you don't take the doctors
What's the problem with anti-spy-ware?
Someone has gone to allot of trouble to secret software on your machine to
alter the performance of IE (and monitor your surfing for sale to an unknown
Equally so the people who have developed the anti-spy and ad software have
devoted a great deal of their personal time to the problem. Many of these
products are available as free-ware!

If you still are not convinced about the worth of such software...

Check what programs you have installed on your computer. (Add-Remove
Programs in the Control Panel). Un-install anything you are not sure of.
(make sure you re-boot after removing all of the programs that you are
suspicious of so that the changes can take effect... sometimes malicious
programs install themselves when you start windows).

There is also an Internet Explorer repair option in the Add-Remove Programs
control panel. Select Internet Explorer from the list and press the Repair

Finally make sure that you keep up-to-date with the Windows Updates.
(Start=>Windows Update)

I trust that the suggestions I have made help you. (PS. I am not M$. This is
a public forum).


-----Original Message-----
Come on. How can you expect to get better if you don't take the doctors
What's the problem with anti-spy-ware?
Someone has gone to allot of trouble to secret software on your machine to
alter the performance of IE (and monitor your surfing for sale to an unknown
Equally so the people who have developed the anti-spy and ad software have
devoted a great deal of their personal time to the problem. Many of these
products are available as free-ware!

If you still are not convinced about the worth of such software...

Check what programs you have installed on your computer. (Add-Remove
Programs in the Control Panel). Un-install anything you are not sure of.
(make sure you re-boot after removing all of the programs that you are
suspicious of so that the changes can take effect... sometimes malicious
programs install themselves when you start windows).

There is also an Internet Explorer repair option in the Add-Remove Programs
control panel. Select Internet Explorer from the list and press the Repair

Finally make sure that you keep up-to-date with the Windows Updates.
(Start=>Windows Update)

I trust that the suggestions I have made help you. (PS. I am not M$. This is
a public forum).

For what's its worth I purchased Webroot Spy sweeper and
am reasonably satisfied with it. One can periodically
download new Definitions, etc. so it keeps up to date. I
think it cost me a total of around $30. If you run it it
will find lots of crap. You can first download a free
version of it to test out.




I'm trying to resolve another IE6 problem and saw your
post about the "repair" option for IE6. I just went to
Add/Remove and I don't see anything about IE6. It came
preinstalled on my Dell PC (WinXP Home). Any idea if this
option can be hidden? Appreciate any advice you may have.


Maureen Goldman

debbied67 said:
I am still having the same problems with IE6...pages
freezing up or not responding. I have talked with my ISP
provider (Sbc yahoo dsl) and they determined it is my
internet explorer. I have netscape 7.1 and it works just
fine, but I prefer having my homepage using IE.

I have deleted my cookies and temporary files and cleaned
out my browser numerous times, but it does not help the

I don't want to go download any spyware or whatever seems
to be the latest "fix" that i see being pushed in these
replies, so please don't tell me to do that.

Sure, you can delete it via control panel \ add remove and download.
You might want to try the add remove repair instead, though.


okay but nobody has answered the question of whether or not
I can delete my IE6 and then reinstall it...

Rob Parsons

I am not sure why it is not appearing in the Add-Remove Programs control

Mine has an entry for 'Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Internet
Tools' - pressing the Add/Remove... button displays the repair dialog.

But you can do it from the Run dialog (Start=>Run menu) and copy and paste
the following command

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance


rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE5Maintenance

for IE5.

Rob Parsons

It is such an integral part of Windows (that is why M$ has been taken to
court over it) that un-installing it is realy not an option if you want to
use the internet or many other windows programs.
You can however Repair it...(this checks the presence and version of all of
the supporting programs and libraries that are bundled with IE and will
download or unpack and install them as required)

You will see a previous post on this threat for instructions on where to
find the utility in the Add-Remove Programs control panel or you can enter
the following in the Run dialog (Start=>Run menu)

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance

Robert Aldwinckle

I just went to Add/Remove and I don't see anything about IE6.

The only way that XP users can have that feature is if they install IE6sp1
separately before installing XPsp1. (XPsp1 contains the equivalent of
IE6sp1 but does not give you setupwbv.dll)

The conventional repair for XP users is documented here:

<title>318378 - How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows XP</title>;EN-US;318378

Start with the first part of Method 1 in case there is a module missing.
(I don't know how that could happen given the dllcache (aka WFP)
but I think that that is what the sfc /scannow is meant to achieve.)
I think that I would try the Method 2 before going on to the "In-Place
Upgrdade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP" but that is only because
it isn't clear to me how destructive that procedure may be,
e.g. especially regarding the installation of your other products.
Method 2 is known to have been successful for enabling reinstallation
of IE6 in various OS.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

Jay said:

I'm trying to resolve another IE6 problem and saw your
post about the "repair" option for IE6. I just went to
Add/Remove and I don't see anything about IE6. It came
preinstalled on my Dell PC (WinXP Home). Any idea if this
option can be hidden? Appreciate any advice you may have.


Rob, it won't let me run that tag line and i don't have a
"repair" button. when i find internet explorer it doesn't
have anything like that.

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