IE6 Browser Opens File In Source Code



Can anyone help me with a strange scenario...

When I open the following site: with my IE
6.0.2900 SP2 browser it opens the pages first in the source code. If I
refresh the page it will then open it normally... if I click on a link on the
normal page it opens the next page in source code... again if I refresh it
will open it in normal view.

It appears I have some type of browser setting incorrect or I thought maybe
a cookie or something but I have not found anything to change it. There is
nothing wrong with the site because I can open it with my other laptop.



Have you try to repair IE6 ? You can open Windows Explorer and browse to
C:\Windows\inf\, right click IE.inf and select "Install", you may need to
insert the Windows XP CD disc, be sure you insert the correct Windows XP CD
(e.g. Windows XP with SP2)


Jay Croyle said:
Can anyone help me with a strange scenario...

When I open the following site: with my IE
6.0.2900 SP2 browser it opens the pages first in the source code. If I
refresh the page it will then open it normally... if I click on a link on the
normal page it opens the next page in source code... again if I refresh it
will open it in normal view.

It appears I have some type of browser setting incorrect or I thought maybe
a cookie or something but I have not found anything to change it. There is
nothing wrong with the site because I can open it with my other laptop.


Hi Jay,
Do you have McAfee Av installed?.
Try to disable debug from the IE Properties, to that folow these steps:
Open IE Propeerties by clicking on Tools>> Internet Options >> Advanced Tab[ ] Disable script Debugging (Internet Explorer)
[ ] Disable script Debugging (Other)
Click Ok to confirm your settings and Hit F5 to refresh or Reboot your
computer and power on then see if the behavior will occur again.
Please let us know your findings.
P.S what version of Window are you using.

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