ie6 and search options


Jon M

trying to look at this issue yet again.
would like to reatore the option in ie6 search where it dispays results AND
goes to most likely page.
no matter what i do, it shows me the most likely sites, only (does that make
have the google toolbar installed.
can i use this option and keep the toolbar?
any other apps there with the same autofill option (or perhaps a better

thanks in advance,


Robert Aldwinckle

would like to reatore the option in ie6 search where it dispays results
AND goes to most likely page.

AFAIK that option is obsolete. It used to be supported by MSN
and RealNames but RealNames ceased operation and shortly
after MSN changed their results displays. (Behind the scenes I suspect
the chronology of these events was the reverse since MSN used to use
RealNames to implement some of its features.) It has never been supported
by Google. In fact it has only been relatively recently that Search Assistant
has even listed Google.

Use Search Assistant's Customize... and AutoSearch settings
and you will see that there are only two options associated
with Google (Just display... and Do not search...).

Notice that MSN is now the only search service which even implies it uses the
search bar. As I indicated I would be surprised if even with it you get anything
more than Just display... but I'm not interested in testing to find that out for sure.

Also notice that it is the AutoSearch feature that those options are meant for.
Whatever your Google toolbar does is probably completely separate.


Robert Aldwinckle

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