I use Internet Explorer as my browser. When I tried to do
some shopping at I got the following
message:Browser Bug There aapears to be a bug in the web
browser you are currently using. Your web browser is
Mozilla/4.0(compatible MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90.
My emails also show my browser as Mozilla/4.0. I have run
Norton Antivirus,Adware 6.0,and Spybot but I can't find
it. I have looked in evry folder I can think of with no
result. I even tried uninstalling IE then reinstalling it
with no luck. I am sort of new to computers. Help!!!!

Charlie Tame

It is simply saying mozilla4 compatible (IE6)

Here is mine look...

You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows
NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Available screen width=1280 : Available screen height=907

That is W2000 (which is NT5) - more confusion.

So I don't think you have a problem there... have you checked tools>internet
options>privacy to see what your cookie settings are? Something not too high
should work.

If not cookies then it may be something wrong with scripting, any problems
with other sites or is it just this one? I may not be able to get back here
(Moving house etc) but your answer may help someone else to help you.



I do have a problem in that my bank and credit card
companies all recognize my browser as Mozilla/4.0 and some
of them do not support this browser. Also my emails show
my browser as Mozilla/4.0. I have pasted a section of one
of my emails to show that my browser is recognized as
BROWSER INFO: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows
98; Win 9x 4.90)

Charlie Tame

It just indicates that it's compatible with mozilla 4 standard, it is
identified correctly as IE 6.0

All IE6 installations say the same.

Have you visited windows update lately? If you didn't have IE6
a quick check there should show it as a critical update.

Are you using one of those pop-up blocking utilities? If so check if you can
allow pop-ups from certain sites and add the site to that list.

In IE go to help>about and see what version it reports, the latest reports
IE 6.2800.1106


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