IE will not install


Bill Chatfield

I am using Windows XP SP1

While searching for an answer to my slow opening Outlook Express it was
suggested I re-install IE - which I tried to do. I went to the MS IE site
and proceeded to download and install IE6 SP1 - it would not install because

"The software you are installing has not passed the Windows Logo test to
verify its compatibility with Windows XP"

This I deemed a wee bit odd. Further research told me to change the registry
value to 0 in these 2 keys

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\

I did this and it produced the same results - zilch - nada - nothing - zero

SO - OE 6 still opens slowly - about 20 seconds
BUT - all else seems fine
EXCEPT - my ability to solve this problem

any suggestions appreciated

Bill Chatfield

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)


Also, when you get too many messages in the various folders, the folders
take longer to be read (initialized?)

I periodically clean out my folders and start fresh. It keeps O.E. running
at speed.

Bill Chatfield

Mr. "Crusty"

Thanks for the reply - I tried your suggestion yesterday during my "what the
hell is going on here" attempt to repair situation - didn't work - I tried
it again just now as you suggested - results = zilch - took 26 seconds for
OE to open after I hit taskbar icon - this is not a good thing<G>

Thanks for your time - I am going to pray now - then I am going to re-swear
a lot

Bill Chatfield

message Tools/options/maintenance/clean-up-now

Also, when you get too many messages in the various folders, the folders
take longer to be read (initialized?)

I periodically clean out my folders and start fresh. It keeps O.E. running
at speed.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Disable Messenger and Speedup Outlook Express

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Kelly Theriot]

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows XP;en-us;318378

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell


"Bill Chatfield" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message:

| I am using Windows XP SP1
| While searching for an answer to my slow opening Outlook Express it was
| suggested I re-install IE - which I tried to do. I went to the MS IE site
| and proceeded to download and install IE6 SP1 - it would not install because
| "The software you are installing has not passed the Windows Logo test to
| verify its compatibility with Windows XP"
| This I deemed a wee bit odd. Further research told me to change the registry
| value to 0 in these 2 keys
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\
| {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\
| {44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}
| I did this and it produced the same results - zilch - nada - nothing - zero
| SO - OE 6 still opens slowly - about 20 seconds
| BUT - all else seems fine
| EXCEPT - my ability to solve this problem
| any suggestions appreciated
| Bill Chatfield

Bill Chatfield


Thank you for the suggestions - I don't have Messenger on my machine and I
tried the suggestions in the 318378 yesterday - IE will not install and
gives me the message about not passing the test blah blah blah.

Bill Chatfield

Disable Messenger and Speedup Outlook Express

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Kelly Theriot]

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell


"Bill Chatfield" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message:

| I am using Windows XP SP1
| While searching for an answer to my slow opening Outlook Express it was
| suggested I re-install IE - which I tried to do. I went to the MS IE site
| and proceeded to download and install IE6 SP1 - it would not install
| "The software you are installing has not passed the Windows Logo test to
| verify its compatibility with Windows XP"
| This I deemed a wee bit odd. Further research told me to change the
| value to 0 in these 2 keys
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\
| {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\
| {44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}
| I did this and it produced the same results - zilch - nada - nothing -
| SO - OE 6 still opens slowly - about 20 seconds
| BUT - all else seems fine
| EXCEPT - my ability to solve this problem
| any suggestions appreciated
| Bill Chatfield

Bill Chatfield

Thanks to all the info I have gotten in the last 24 hours I have narrowed my
slow opening OE problem to the "CONTACTS" pane - if it is displayed - opens
slowly - if not it opens fine - now I just have to find out why - thanks for
all your help in getting me this far - any other suggestions appreciated - I
did take all the contacts out of the pane and it still opened slowly - I
tried to check the PROPERTIES on some of the contacts and it locked the
program up - SO - I have to believe the contacts pane is involved here
somehow - the search for the fix continues

Thanks again to all
Bill Chatfield

I am using Windows XP SP1

While searching for an answer to my slow opening Outlook Express it was
suggested I re-install IE - which I tried to do. I went to the MS IE site
and proceeded to download and install IE6 SP1 - it would not install because

"The software you are installing has not passed the Windows Logo test to
verify its compatibility with Windows XP"

This I deemed a wee bit odd. Further research told me to change the registry
value to 0 in these 2 keys

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\

I did this and it produced the same results - zilch - nada - nothing - zero

SO - OE 6 still opens slowly - about 20 seconds
BUT - all else seems fine
EXCEPT - my ability to solve this problem

any suggestions appreciated

Bill Chatfield

My Name

Got this from an earlier post
1) Check to see if Messenger is checked or Missing and Uncheck the
Contacts Pane.

a. If Messenger is checked uncheck it and test.

b. If the option for Messenger is missing this is the problem. Do not
proceed further until we have solved this problem.

c. Disable the contacts pane to see if that speeds up the process. If
it does then messenger is the likely suspect.

d. If the check mark for messenger is missing then create the registry
key as indicated in:
SOX020708700009 OLEXP: Outlook Express is slow to open and disp [SROP.
Be sure to link to this SOX if it works. If you cannot get the check box
back on a Windows XP box then do not proceed to the other steps as they are
not indicated if this box is missing.

Bill Chatfield

Thank you - I will try this out - I do not have Messenger on the machine - I
removed it long ago - it was more annoying than my ex-wife<G>

Got this from an earlier post
1) Check to see if Messenger is checked or Missing and Uncheck the
Contacts Pane.

a. If Messenger is checked uncheck it and test.

b. If the option for Messenger is missing this is the problem. Do not
proceed further until we have solved this problem.

c. Disable the contacts pane to see if that speeds up the process. If
it does then messenger is the likely suspect.

d. If the check mark for messenger is missing then create the registry
key as indicated in:
SOX020708700009 OLEXP: Outlook Express is slow to open and disp [SROP.
Be sure to link to this SOX if it works. If you cannot get the check box
back on a Windows XP box then do not proceed to the other steps as they are
not indicated if this box is missing.

Bill Chatfield

c. solves the problem of OE's slow opening - anybody have any suggestions on
how to fix it - I have removed messenger from the machine long ago and OE
worked fine without it.

Bill Chatfield

c. Disable the contacts pane to see if that speeds up the process. If
it does then messenger is the likely suspect.

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