ie upgrade??



I am dealing with a tax issue that requires Microsoft Internet Explorer
6.0.29 or Firefox I am using Internet Explorer 6.0.28 as described
under Help..

Where can I find the ability to upgrade to this 6.0.29 setting..

Another requirement is Adobe Reader 7.0.8. Mine is currently 7.0.9.
Any ideas????



WindowsUpdate should update your verion of IE.

Adobe Reader is presently version 8 - don't know if previous ones are still

"DebSaxbury, Northeast Mo. Electric Power"

Gary Smith

You didn't say what version of Windows you're running. That's crucial
information. It would also help if you would explain what the tax issue
is and why it requires a specific version of IE. IE 6.0.2800.x is SP1,
the highest version that can be installed on Win 2000. IE 6.0.2900 is
SP2, available as part of Win XP Service Pack 2.

Adobe Reader 7.0.8 and 7.0.9 allegedly differ only in the application of a
fix for some security issue in the latter. Version 7.0.9 should work
anywhere 7.0.8 does.

DebSaxbury said:
I am dealing with a tax issue that requires Microsoft Internet Explorer
6.0.29 or Firefox I am using Internet Explorer 6.0.28 as described
under Help..
Where can I find the ability to upgrade to this 6.0.29 setting..


Thanks to all who replied to my question. I believe the answer supplied
based on the operating system is going to help me. I am running Windows 2000
and I have updated all options from Windows Update, without a change in the
ie versions. My tax problem is related to filing quarterly Unemployment
taxes online verses paper filing. Again I Thank everyone for the help..

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