IE unable to find local files



I've just reinstalled W2K and updated to IE6 and SP4. I was having this
problem before the updates, and it has not been resolved.

I can use IE just fine for browsing the web, but when I try to open any
local file IE is set to open in my folder options, I get an alert saying that
the file is or some necessary library is missing. This happens on gifs,
jpegs, HTM and HTML files.

On picture files, I get the alert message, then a blank IE window pops up.
On HTM and HTML files, I get the alert, then IE pops up with the file
displayed as it should be.

On picture files I should note that I can see the preview in Windows
Explorer before I try to open it. I can read the properties on all the files
and open them in other applications. Also, if I open an IE window before
attempting to open a picture file, I will not get the alert message and the
picture will replace the existing window content, as I would expect. It's
only when there's not an IE window up already that the problem occurs, and
it's only with IE that I have this problem.

Thanks in advance for any help.


That's all it gives me, unfortunately. It doesn't specify a particular
library, just that it the file has moved or "a necessary library is missing."
That's not an exact quote, but is the gist. I'll give the exact quote when
I get back on the box tonight, unless this rings bells with somebody.

I'll try that solution then, too. The symptoms don't quite fit, but it's a
possibility. Thanks.


Here's the error message I'm getting when I click on any file IE is set to
open in my Folder Options:

"Cannot find the file <filename>. Make sure the path and filename are
correct and that all current libraries are available."

Again, the file is present and can be opened by other apps. Picture files
will open in IE if I open IE first and HTML pages open properly after the
message pops up. Thanks!

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