IE standard PNG support anytime soon?



I was just wondering if you guys had any plans to make
Internet Explorer a standards-compliant browser anytime
soon by giving it proper transparent PNG support? I am
using the workaround method, but on pages with a lot of
images, it always has to go through an annoying
preloading phase that really slows down the page.

I think it's time to implement this, don't you?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Bobby said:
I was just wondering if you guys had any plans to make
Internet Explorer a standards-compliant browser anytime
soon by giving it proper transparent PNG support? I am
using the workaround method, but on pages with a lot of
images, it always has to go through an annoying
preloading phase that really slows down the page.

I think it's time to implement this, don't you?

You are not connecting to Microsoft. You are connecting to a news group
where questions and problems are answered by unpaid volunteers.

C. A. Upsdell

Bobby said:
I was just wondering if you guys had any plans to make
Internet Explorer a standards-compliant browser anytime
soon by giving it proper transparent PNG support? I am
using the workaround method, but on pages with a lot of
images, it always has to go through an annoying
preloading phase that really slows down the page.

I think it's time to implement this, don't you?

Microsoft says that it is incapable of improving IE without a new version of
Windows to be released in 2005: presumably this means that it is incapable
of providing better standards support (including HTML, xHTML, CSS, PNG),
tabbed browsing, user-selectable default CSS fonts (or even the avoidance of
inappropriate default fonts), eliminating spurious scroll bars appearing in
framed sites, etc., etc., etc: guess Microsoft programmers are less
competent than Mozilla programmers, Opera programmers, and (increasingly)
KHTML programmers, and that Microsoft is not capable of hiring away those
who have proven that they can do what Microsoft cannot.

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