IE shuts down



hi all;
I have McAfee internet security 5.0 on my XP home. as a
defult it comes with pop up blocker(actually blocks all
the java script applications and almost always the links
that try to open in a new window, if you like to see pop
up you have to hold ctrl key down and refresh the page)
when I visit a webpage that automatically refreshes itself
every once in a while. IE creates an error and shuts down
itself. Is my internet security software the reason that I
am experincing this problem all the time? any idea is



The quickest way to see is to turn off the pop up blocker and see if you
continue to have problems. Does it happen on just a few sites or on all
sites that automatically refresh? You might try repairing the mcafee program
or reinstalling to see if that also solves your problem.

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