IE don't open new URL in IE



When ever I try to open a new URL, it opens on Firefox. If I uninstall
Firefox IE displays error 'Can not find appropriate program'.
I've tried 'How to reinstall or repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express
in Windows XP' from Microsoft support but it doesn't work.
Microsoft Antispyware is installed and no spyware is found.
PC is installed with XP Pro SP2 and McAfee 8.0 Antivirus.

Can anyone help me? Thanks

Jurren Bouman

César said:
When ever I try to open a new URL, it opens on Firefox. If I uninstall
Firefox IE displays error 'Can not find appropriate program'.
I've tried 'How to reinstall or repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express
in Windows XP' from Microsoft support but it doesn't work.
Microsoft Antispyware is installed and no spyware is found.
PC is installed with XP Pro SP2 and McAfee 8.0 Antivirus.

Can anyone help me? Thanks

Did you set IE as default browser? Launch IE and go to Tools > Internet
Options... > click the "Programs" tab and check off "Internet Explorer
should check to see whether it is the default browser"


Yes, I've allready tried that, but IE doesn't do anything, even whem I put
Firefox as default browser, and then do what you say.


Problem is solved: I've uninstalled all hotfix from Microsoft instaled on
I hope automatic updates don't make it work badly again...

Thanks to "Jurren Bouman" for is attention.

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