IE address bar is gone!



win xp home sp2 I went to a naught site last night when I had a few too
I ended up with some unwanted visitors in my machine I pretty sure I got rid
of them. but... my IE wont show the address bar even when the "view"
"address bar" is checked. anyone?



Hmmmm.... not sure if this will fix it but... click start, control panel, add
remove programs, add remove windows components. Then uncheck Internet
Explorer and then hit next. Once this is all done try going back in and
adding it back. Lets both keep our fingers crossed. =)

If you havent already loaded the newest version of IE then you could also
try doing so. Make sure to use the full version. Dont use windows update.

The Woodpile

Wesley Vogel

[[You can move or resize the Address bar and Links bar by dragging them
down, left, or right. You can even move them into the menu bar! ]]

Right click the Toolbar | Select: Address bar | Even with Address bar
selected, your Address bar may be sized to it's smallest. Which makes
very difficult to see. If any of it is showing, look very

First right click the Toolbar | Unselect: Lock the Toolbars | Move your
cursor around where the Address bar should be until it turns into a
headed arrow | Left click and drag bigger.

This takes some practice. No way to really describe how to do it.
you see your Address bar again and get it where/how you want it...

Right click the Toolbar | Lock the Toolbars to prevent losing the
bar again.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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