IE 6 Can't connect to net


John Blair

I appologize if this is the wrong group for my problem.
I've been trying to fix it via the Browser group for the
last 2 weeks to no avail. But I'm hoping that someone
here will take the time to read this and may have the

I have a problem in that my IE 6 gives me a "page not
found" error for any URL I try to go to. IE can't
connect to the web. Hoewever, my Netscape, Eudora email,
and FTP programs can access the net.

This makes me think it's something within the OS like a
bad dll or something.

System e-Machine running XP, Norton AV (up to date).

I give up!!! With the help of Michael Jennings pointing
me to
I was able to turn off IE6 so that I could reload it from

I just finished reloading IE6 and re-booting. Brought
up IE 6 and I still get the "page not found" error.
Over the last 2 weeks I've spent over 10 hrs trying to
fix the stupid problem.

I think this all started when I ran ad-aware 6 to check
for spy ware.

I know many of you will say to go to the site.

I have! Here's what I've done!

1. I've spent several hours reading the various files in
the Knowledge Base to no avail.
2. Reinstalled the winsock.dll
3. Scanned for spyware again using CWShredder
4. I went through the items there and led to the following
items from Microsoft's knowledge base (IE 6)
when I did the cmd, regsvr32 /u ahiehelp.dll,
error message "LoadLibrary("ahiehelp.dll")
failed - the specified module could not be

5. I wnet to: and
downloaded their tool to Repairs Winsock 2 settings -
LSP-Fix from

6. From ran:
WinsockFix.exe (again)

Still trying to solve the problem.



Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

If you're running a firewall that can figure what applications can access
the web, have you checked to make sure your firewall isn't blocking access.


Hi John,

Suggestions and Checkpoints:

Go to Windows\System32\DRIVERS\etc and rename hosts. Also go to:
winnt\help. If it is listed, delete it. Once done to go to
Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:

DataBasePath" = %SystemRoot%\help

And change it to:
DataBasePath" = %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc

For most users this works:

Lan Settings - Proxy Server - Disable (Line 253)

Manual: IE/Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Lan Settings. Uncheck Use a
proxy server.....

Rename your hosts file: Go to: Windows\System32\DRIVERS\etc.

Repair Loss of Internet Access/Certain Web Sites (155)

Page Cannot be Found and/or DNS/Server Error (Line 68)

More information here:

John Blair


Most of the time I don't run a firewall on that machine,
because of the wireless router. I've been told that it's
not necessary. I do have Zone Alarm installed, and have
tried connecting with ZA on and off. No difference.

I haven't had a chance to try the things Kelly suggested.
Hopefully I'll do that tonight.

One other piece of info, I forgot. While the problem if
IE not being able to talk to the net, and my other apps.
can (Netscape, Eudora email, and FTP) I have been able
to ping from the DOS command line. However, after
spending about 1 hr on the phone with the support techs
at e-machine last weekend, I can no longer ping. I
think that came about after I ran netsh. Now when I try
to ping I get an error 65.

Tnx for the help fellows.



I don't know if this has been asked, but in tools-internet
options-connections-lan settings is proxy server unchecked?


David MacLeod
Etna, Maine USA
P4 2.8 OC to 3.13
1 GB DDR 466
Radeon 9800 Pro 256 MB
2 Seagate 120 RAID 0

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