IE 6 back button returns "server not found"



Running Windows XP, service pack 2. Have checked options & don't see anything
that might cause a problem.

When I am at a site, such as Amazon or Lands End and must use the "back"
button to return to an earlier screen, I get an error titled (on top title
bar) "Cannot find server" and the following error:
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be
experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser

The "Please try the following" suggests using refresh (doesn't work),
checking my typing (not appropriate), and checking my connection settings.
The connection settings seem to pertain to LAN settins and I connect via
cable modem.

Any further ideas?

Sandi - Microsoft MVP

IE6 SP1 fixes this problem - 319792;EN-US;Q319792

Your settings may be incorrect - 183763;EN-US;Q183763
Often this option is set by the web site itself, but you can try creating a
new IE cache if you wish.

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Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)


I appreciate Sandi's suggestions. However, I've already installed SP2 - does
your answer mean I should uninstall SP2 and install SP1?

Also, I have *not* enabled the "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" option
(I just double-checked my settings).

The 3rd option doesn't seem to apply since I'm running XP, not the older
versions of Windows.

Any other ideas?


Something is corrupted in your one of your Caches. Just delete all your
cookies, temporary internet files, and history files and restart the browser.
All will work then.


I also have experienced the same problem, however, I am running '98 with SP1.
I did install Spybot because my machine was almost at a standstill. I ran
Spybot, deleted my cookies and temp files. It worked like a mircle (my
machine was running like a top) but then I couldn't go anywhere on web. I
get the "Server Not Found, page cannot be displayed message" when I go to any
search engine. The only page it will go to is MSN (and a few others if I
type in the address), but when I do a search, I get the message. I can't go
to the Google page or Dogpile page. I reinstalled all programs that Spybot
removed in hopes that it would do the trick. No luck. I must be missing
something. Any ideas?


I don't know much about Spybot, but I suspect it is the culprit. You
probably have its security setting set up to stringent and it only will allow
"safe" sites like MSN. Check the documentation or uninstall it completely
then see what happens.

Sandi - Microsoft MVP

If you are having problems after removing Spyware....

This utility should be used if, after removing spyware/malware, you are no
longer able to connect to the internet.

If LSPFix doesn't help, winsockxpfix might (Windows XP only):

**Note, if you are using XP SP2 the following command, run from start/run,
may get your computer going again - it will reset the winsock catalogue:
netsh winsock reset

Hyperlinks are used to ensure advice remains current
Visit the Internet Explorer Online Community:
Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)


Thanks for writing back; sorry I missed the instructions for Windows XP. Also
hadn't thought of spyware (which I don't use but did try) as possibly causing
a problem so thanks to q & Sandi for following up on that. I cleared my cache
& also tried the spyware fix - problem solved!

Best wishes for the new year,

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