ICS giving wrong subnetwork mask



In trying to share internet (DSL) with my Pocket PC through a Bluetooth wireless adaper, I disabled the dsl modem's DHCP and enabled ICS on my local area network adapter

My Bluetooth adapter is correctly getting and as subnet mask. On the other hand, my LAN adapter is getting a strange ip address (meaning not in the 192.168.0 subnet) and as subnet mask

I have no control over this as ICS assigns ips automaticaly, or do I?

Once I get this going I guess I still need to get my DSL modem into this subnet, isn't it. For instance give it a

Thanks All


In trying to share internet (DSL) with my Pocket PC through a Bluetooth wireless adaper, I disabled the dsl modem's DHCP and enabled ICS on my local area network adapter.

My Bluetooth adapter is correctly getting and as subnet mask. On the other hand, my LAN adapter is getting a strange ip address (meaning not in the 192.168.0 subnet) and as subnet mask.

I have no control over this as ICS assigns ips automaticaly, or do I?

Once I get this going I guess I still need to get my DSL modem into this subnet, isn't it. For instance give it a

Thanks All


You enable ICS on the adapter connected to your DSL modem *not* the LAN
adapter. When you do that ICS will allocate to your LAN adapter
and you should be able to connect. You should be able to give your
bluetooth adapter a fixed IP address and then setup a bridge between your
LAN adapter and the bluetooth connection.




Thanks Bill, you are right in your reply. The problem was that thanks to my clumsiness I didn't describe my network properly. And my problems still remain unsolved

When I refered to my LAN adapter I should have said the adapter connected to my DSL modem. I refered to it that way because I left the default name it had, but anyways following is a more detailed description

I have 2 adapters

adapter 1: internal NIC connecting to the DSL modem getting ip from router's dhcp server. (it gets in subnet mask
adapter 2: is a bluetooth usb dongle which acts as my LAN adapter via a Widcomm Bluetooth LAN Access Server Driver (ver. This is the one which would get Instead, it is getting in subnet mask no matter if I use DHCP from the modem or ICS, it always assigns this (I have the adapter set for it to get ip automatically

Furthermore, when I enable the DHCP in the DSL modem (westell wirespeed dual connect modem), it is configured like this

Modem Ip address:
Subnet Mask:255.255.255.
DHCP Start Address: (also tried this starting at so that it won't interfere with ICS ip assignment
DHCP End Address:
DHCP server enabled: ye

Those any of these ring a bell


Thanks Bill, you are right in your reply. The problem was that thanks to my clumsiness I didn't describe my network properly. And my problems still remain unsolved.

When I refered to my LAN adapter I should have said the adapter connected to my DSL modem. I refered to it that way because I left the default name it had, but anyways following is a more detailed description.

I have 2 adapters,

adapter 1: internal NIC connecting to the DSL modem getting ip from router's dhcp server. (it gets in subnet mask
adapter 2: is a bluetooth usb dongle which acts as my LAN adapter via a Widcomm Bluetooth LAN Access Server Driver (ver. This is the one which would get Instead, it is getting in subnet mask no matter if I use DHCP from the modem or ICS, it always assigns this (I have the adapter set for it to get ip automatically)

Furthermore, when I enable the DHCP in the DSL modem (westell wirespeed dual connect modem), it is configured like this:

Modem Ip address:
Subnet Mask:
DHCP Start Address: (also tried this starting at so that it won't interfere with ICS ip assignment)
DHCP End Address:
DHCP server enabled: yes

Those any of these ring a bell?


OK, first thing is I'm not an ADSL user so I'm not too familiar with your
equipment. I guess from your DHCP assignments that your DSL modem is also
providing NAT for you? Anyway, I digress. From your description I
understand your set-up to be the following: 1 NIC connected to your DSL
modem and one other device (the Bluetooth USB device) which you want to
give internet access too - would that be correct? If that's what you've got
then I would suggest you do the following: change the DHCP End Address to
something like and give you Bluetooth adapter a fixed IP
address of (you can actually give it any IP you
like). Next go into the Network Connections folder and highlight your DSL
connected NIC and the Bluetooth device and just create a bridge between
them - I am assuming you have XP installed.

That should do what you want.





THanks again bill

Did what you suggested, but I stumbled into an error which I think could be the reason behind all my troubles. While trying to bridge the 2 connections (not firewalled & not shared) an "unexpected error occured while configurating the Network Bridge"

THis is a very frustrating situation as no error is being logged into the event viewer, so apparently, I am now at a dead end with XP believing that everything is OK

I've been trying to fix this error por weeks now, I'm at a point of giving up already and connecting my usb dongle into the DSL modem usb port and hopefully accessing the LAN and Internet through it. The reason why I keep trying is that I had succesfully configured the bridge in no time at one point, then I had the great idea of updating the D-Link BT adapter driver and I could never go back to where I was

Thanks a lo

Eric Cross

Greetings fede,

Please see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base Article.

Creating a Bridge with Two Internal Adapters on a Windows XP Internet
Connection Sharing Host Does Not Work


fede said:
THanks again bill,

Did what you suggested, but I stumbled into an error which I think could
be the reason behind all my troubles. While trying to bridge the 2
connections (not firewalled & not shared) an "unexpected error occured while
configurating the Network Bridge".
THis is a very frustrating situation as no error is being logged into the
event viewer, so apparently, I am now at a dead end with XP believing that
everything is OK.
I've been trying to fix this error por weeks now, I'm at a point of giving
up already and connecting my usb dongle into the DSL modem usb port and
hopefully accessing the LAN and Internet through it. The reason why I keep
trying is that I had succesfully configured the bridge in no time at one
point, then I had the great idea of updating the D-Link BT adapter driver
and I could never go back to where I was.


Hi Eric

No luck with the article. Still the same error message shows (An unexpected error occured while configuring the network bridge) when truing to enable Network Bridge

Thanks anyway

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