


Seems like I have seen somewhere a program to change IE Icons, especially
the color of file folders. Any Ideas TIA Gimpy Im using IE/6 windows xp
if it makes any difference..


Gimpy wrote :
Seems like I have seen somewhere a program to change IE Icons, especially the
color of file folders. Any Ideas TIA Gimpy Im using IE/6 windows xp if it
makes any difference..

I saw one but it was a long time ago. Give me a minute to Google a name
I recall vaguely...

Try "More Properties" from

I *think* that one will do the job you want---I think...

It's been a very long time since I needed to change icons or the colors
of folder in Windows. Any one else wanna jump in here?

John Corliss

Gimpy said:
Seems like I have seen somewhere a program to change IE Icons, especially
the color of file folders. Any Ideas TIA Gimpy Im using IE/6 windows xp
if it makes any difference..

Gimpy, do you mean Internet Explorer or are you talking about Windows
Explorer? If IE, what icons are you referring to?

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett, Doc (who uses sock puppets)
or Roger Johansson, for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial
software, crippleware, demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware,
spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.


John I'm talking about IE & things like changing the color of
folders etc. if that makes any sence? Gimpy

John Corliss

Gimpy said:
John I'm talking about IE & things like changing the color of
folders etc. if that makes any sence? Gimpy

Well, kinda, but kinda not. The only time I see folders is when I'm
looking at my files in Windows Explorer. There are freeware file
managers, but the one that comes with Windows (Windows Explorer) works
for me. I'm not sure how to browse your hard drive using IE. Are you
talking about folders at FTP sites maybe?

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett, Doc (who uses sock puppets)
or Roger Johansson, for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial
software, crippleware, demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware,
spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.


John said:
Well, kinda, but kinda not. The only time I see folders is when I'm
looking at my files in Windows Explorer. There are freeware file
managers, but the one that comes with Windows (Windows Explorer) works
for me. I'm not sure how to browse your hard drive using IE. Are you
talking about folders at FTP sites maybe?

John, I have folders on my desktop. Different colors make for a faster and
easier "look-at" and click at/on the desktop.
Again, I tried three from the site below and settled on the tupperwar ones.


Thanx to Fred-blogg down the hall.

Let the unseen day be. Today is more than enough.

___Sador the carpenter to Turin
Tolkien, The Unfinished Tales


John Corliss

Gimpy said:
Seems like I have seen somewhere a program to change IE Icons, especially
the color of file folders. Any Ideas TIA Gimpy Im using IE/6 windows xp
if it makes any difference..

I found a program named "Folder Icon Changer 2.5" listed at


Note that although the program looks like it's for a MacIntosh, it's
written for Windows.

Is this what you're looking for?

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett, Doc (who uses sock puppets)
or Roger Johansson, for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial
software, crippleware, demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware,
spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.

John Corliss

ellis_jay said:
John, I have folders on my desktop.

Thanks, but that's still not using IE to view your hard drive. Gimpy
seems to be saying that he views his hard drive via Internet Explorer.
I've never done this, and it would have helped to clarify what he was
looking for. I know this is a misunderstanding of some sort on the part
of one of us, and was hoping to get clarification.
Different colors make for a faster and
easier "look-at" and click at/on the desktop.
Again, I tried three from the site below and settled on the tupperwar ones.


Thanx to Fred-blogg down the hall.

I'll take a shot and guess that he wants something like this one:


Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett, Doc (who uses sock puppets)
or Roger Johansson, for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial
software, crippleware, demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware,
spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.


ellis_jay said:
John, I have folders on my desktop. Different colors make for a
faster and easier "look-at" and click at/on the desktop.
Again, I tried three from the site below and settled on the
tupperwar ones.


Thanx to Fred-blogg down the hall.

Sorry. That link was download. This is the link form site's page 4:



Let the unseen day be. Today is more than enough.

___Sador the carpenter to Turin
Tolkien, The Unfinished Tales



John said:
Thanks, but that's still not using IE to view your hard drive. Gimpy
seems to be saying that he views his hard drive via Internet Explorer.
I've never done this, and it would have helped to clarify what he was
looking for. I know this is a misunderstanding of some sort on the
part of one of us, and was hoping to get clarification.

I'll take a shot and guess that he wants something like this one:


John, when I click a folder open, then click view, I can change its icon.
I don't think it matters where the folder is in the tree. If I click it I
can change it.

Let the unseen day be. Today is more than enough.

___Sador the carpenter to Turin
Tolkien, The Unfinished Tales


Ben Alias

Well, kinda, but kinda not. The only time I see folders is when I'm
looking at my files in Windows Explorer. There are freeware file
managers, but the one that comes with Windows (Windows Explorer) works
for me. I'm not sure how to browse your hard drive using IE.

<snip, snip>

Well, this isn't exactly correct. First off, if you are running IE
and have, say, three websites listed in your Favorites list that are
related, and you decide to group them together, then IE invites you to
"Manage Bookmarks" by clicking on "Create Folder" and then you would
place these three related bookmarks in a "Folder" and the graphic
representation of that Folder in IE's favorites just happens to look
exactly like the graphic representation (icon) for a Folder in WE.
(This is not a coincidence, IMHO)

Second, you *can* browse your hard drive using IE. If you open IE,
and then click on View | Explorer Bar | Folders, you will get a panel
on the left 1/4th of the screen that looks exactly like the panel
within WE. It starts with "Desktop," underneath which is "My
Documents," "My Computer, " etc. If you click on "My Computer," you
will get a list of the drives on your computer. Click on the drive,
you will get a list of the folders on that drive; click on a folder,
you will get a list of the files within that folder, etc. Just like
in Windows Explorer. Click on any of these folders or files and the
right pane will show them just like the right pane in WE. It's not
clear why the home user would *want* to use IE to perform the
functions of WE, but the home user *can*. It is fairly clear why Bill
Gates wanted the home user to be able to do this. And that is--had he
not been sued for antitrust by Netscape and other browser creators and
the Justice Department--that the next generation of Windows would have
come out with IE but without WE, and you would have been forced to use
IE to perform WE functions. This would all be under the banner of
"improving" the OS by "integrating" the web browser into the OS, just
coincidentally driving all the other web browsers and Windows-Exporer
competitors out of business.



Ben Alias

Seems like I have seen somewhere a program to change IE Icons, especially
the color of file folders. Any Ideas TIA Gimpy Im using IE/6 windows xp
if it makes any difference..

This has been an interesting discussion, in part because I came to
realize that the term "icon" can be used and is used more broadly than
what I am used to.

I would refer other people to the following articles on Wikipedia,
some of which contain or refer to sources of "free" icons:






John Corliss

Ben said:
<snip, snip>

Well, this isn't exactly correct. First off, if you are running IE
and have, say, three websites listed in your Favorites list that are
related, and you decide to group them together, then IE invites you to
"Manage Bookmarks" by clicking on "Create Folder" and then you would
place these three related bookmarks in a "Folder" and the graphic
representation of that Folder in IE's favorites just happens to look
exactly like the graphic representation (icon) for a Folder in WE.
(This is not a coincidence, IMHO)

Second, you *can* browse your hard drive using IE. If you open IE,
and then click on View | Explorer Bar | Folders, you will get a panel
on the left 1/4th of the screen that looks exactly like the panel
within WE. It starts with "Desktop," underneath which is "My
Documents," "My Computer, " etc. If you click on "My Computer," you
will get a list of the drives on your computer. Click on the drive,
you will get a list of the folders on that drive; click on a folder,
you will get a list of the files within that folder, etc. Just like
in Windows Explorer. Click on any of these folders or files and the
right pane will show them just like the right pane in WE. It's not
clear why the home user would *want* to use IE to perform the
functions of WE, but the home user *can*. It is fairly clear why Bill
Gates wanted the home user to be able to do this. And that is--had he
not been sued for antitrust by Netscape and other browser creators and
the Justice Department--that the next generation of Windows would have
come out with IE but without WE, and you would have been forced to use
IE to perform WE functions. This would all be under the banner of
"improving" the OS by "integrating" the web browser into the OS, just
coincidentally driving all the other web browsers and Windows-Exporer
competitors out of business.

Thanks, Ben. Now that I think of it, I've experimented around with IE
and done that before. Just never saw the use for it, so I kinda forgot.
And since I only very rarely use IE (Firefox being my browser of
choice), that buried that factoid in the mistier realms of my factoid vault.

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett, Doc (who uses sock puppets)
or Roger Johansson, for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial
software, crippleware, demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware,
spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.

Erroneous Maximus

i have a nice collection over 5,000 icons i have collected
Congratulations on your diligence, but are you here to brag or to
help the OP? Are you willing to share this trove of icons? Would
you list the URL so we could d/l to fit our needs? Can we offer you
any help?

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