Icons not displayed


Ruud Uphoff


The problem: many older icons are replaced by another. For eample, creating
a shortcut to COMMAND.COM should have the MS-DOS logo. It shows up correctly
inside the properties of the shortcut, but is replaced by an empty "white
card" on the desktop.

Any idea how to correct this?

Kind Regards,
Ruud Uphoff

Chad Harris

Hi Rudd-

As to cmd's shortcut icon--I just drag and drop copied it from the start
menu to the desktop.

How are you creating a shortcut? If you're using the wizard try instead
either dragging and dropping or you can tap the 2000+ icons natively in
Vista (and XP although different icons to some extent) by right clicking a
folder>properties>customize>change icon button>if icons you see there by
default aren't to your liking, you can click browse>and go to the
appropriate folder. There are about 100 in that default and many more if
you click browse>C:\(or Vista drive letter) Windows\System 32 and click on
each .dll (some will have them and some won't)>(in the case of cmd>your cmd
icon is listed under cmd in the .dll list. It's not a dll but it's among
them in the list. In this case dragging from the start menu is easier and
you can just type cmd in the search box above start and right click drag and
drop copy it.

You have to try those .dlls in your spare time and make a list of which have
what icons or sometimes if there are several icons which have several icons.

I started an icon folder on XP (I'm dual booting my boxes) by not only
listing the icons in the System32 folder .dlls, but also programs yield many
icons like Office or 3rd party programs, and I get icons from websites by
adding "favico.icon" to a give url. Often that will yield a favicon and you
can drag and drop it to desktop. To preserve it beyond the next boot, you
must change its name>put it into a folder to protect it. For this saving
practice, make a new folder and call it what you like.



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