I would like an Access Template for a hotel booking system



I am trying to set up a system to manage bookings for a small number of
holiday units. I need to display a calendar which shows the bookings for all
the units in a single view, either daily, weekly or monthly. I was hoping to
find an Access 2000 template that would give me a base system that I could
then develop. So far I have not had any luck. Does anyone one know where I
could get something like this.

Mike Painter

AnneQ said:
I am trying to set up a system to manage bookings for a small number
of holiday units. I need to display a calendar which shows the
bookings for all the units in a single view, either daily, weekly or
monthly. I was hoping to find an Access 2000 template that would give
me a base system that I could then develop. So far I have not had any
luck. Does anyone one know where I could get something like this.

You're not likely to.

The view you want will require both a table based on a flat file format,
considerable coding to display properly in a form and more coding to link
the flat file with relational records that will allow you to work with the

Daily, weekly or monthly views add to the problem.

There are other little problems as well.

This is right on the edge of not being an Access application and a good VB
coder with a few controls could make it far more powerful than what can be
done in any reasonable time with Access.

If it is developed from just a room at a time viewpoint using continuous
forms, it would not be nearly as difficult and other forms could show what's
available, etc with out a lot of problem.

It could also be developed over time and not drive staff crazy while they
continue to use a "paper and pencil" approach. The T-system might work well
(E.G. http://t-cardsystems.com/index.htm)


Thanks Mike. I had a feeling this was going to be the answer, but I thought I
would ask whether there was a simple answer before I spent time and effort
geting something developed.

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