I want to reboot the computer automatically.


Frank Martin

I have WindowsXP pro.

My computer is always on, recording movies and downloading
from the internet.

Sometimes the computer needs a cold boot, and I want this to
happen at about 6.00am.

How can I do this automatically. Is there a XP setting for

My computer takes a long time to shut down while it "saves
my settings", and then takes a long time to start up again,
with all the virus checkers etc that occur on startup.

Failing a cold boot, a warm one might suffice, if this is

Please help, Frank


I have WindowsXP pro.

My computer is always on, recording movies and downloading
from the internet.

Sometimes the computer needs a cold boot, and I want this to
happen at about 6.00am.

How can I do this automatically. Is there a XP setting for

My computer takes a long time to shut down while it "saves
my settings", and then takes a long time to start up again,
with all the virus checkers etc that occur on startup.

Failing a cold boot, a warm one might suffice, if this is

Please help, Frank

You can use the shutdown command to set a reboot for a certain delay.

At the command prompt, type "shutdown" to see the argument list.


Randem said:
Set up a task in the "Scheduled Task" section to run the shutdown command at

Restart with: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -r -t 0

-r (restart) -t (time) 0 seconds.

I have a shortcut on my desktop doing this.

Frank Martin

Thanks. How do I do this? There is a "shutdown" program
in the WINDOWS\System32 folder that will not shut the system


Frank Martin said:
Thanks. How do I do this? There is a "shutdown" program in the
WINDOWS\System32 folder that will not shut the system down.

On the Desktop, right click >> New>>Shortcut. For shutdown, in "location"
type in (remove the quotes)

"%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 00"

Or, for reboot, type in

"%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00"

I have both in my Quicklaunch.

Frank Martin

Thip said:
On the Desktop, right click >> New>>Shortcut. For
shutdown, in "location" type in (remove the quotes)

"%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 00"

Or, for reboot, type in

"%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00"

I have both in my Quicklaunch.

Thanks, I tried the "%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t
00" and sure enough it shutdown and restarted the computer
straight away.

Normally I leave work at 7pm and arrive back at about
7.30am, so that if I set the argument for 10hours (36000
seconds) I can activate the shortcut to have the computer
fresh & rebooted before I get to work next day.

Overnight I often have the computer recording TV, and
downloading from the internet or wiping free space or
defragging etc. Presumably I can alter the reboot time as

Frank Martin

I have the Windows updates set for download at 3.00am every
day, so this should be OK. I'll keep a watch on it though.


Frank said:
I have WindowsXP pro.

My computer is always on, recording movies and downloading
from the internet.

Sometimes the computer needs a cold boot, and I want this to
happen at about 6.00am.

How can I do this automatically. Is there a XP setting for

My computer takes a long time to shut down while it "saves
my settings", and then takes a long time to start up again,
with all the virus checkers etc that occur on startup.

Failing a cold boot, a warm one might suffice, if this is

Please help, Frank

In addition to the shutdown commands others have listed, you can
alternatively use hibernate:

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll SetSuspendState S4

This is not a shutdown, although it does power off the computer. When you
tap the power on button in the morning, the computer is instantly restored
to its state when the above command was issued. This might be useful if the
project on which you were working left an important message on the screen.

Frank Martin

HeyBub said:
In addition to the shutdown commands others have listed,
you can alternatively use hibernate:

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll
SetSuspendState S4

This is not a shutdown, although it does power off the
computer. When you tap the power on button in the morning,
the computer is instantly restored to its state when the
above command was issued. This might be useful if the
project on which you were working left an important
message on the screen.

Thanks, 6 hours seems to be the max I can plan hibernation.
Is there any way to extend this?

Frank Martin

It works OK. I put 36000 sec as an argument into the
expression, and now the computer is ready to go 1st thing in
the morning.


Frank Martin said:
It works OK. I put 36000 sec as an argument into the expression, and now
the computer is ready to go 1st thing in the morning.

Glad it worked.


Frank said:
Thanks, 6 hours seems to be the max I can plan hibernation.
Is there any way to extend this?

So far as I know, you can't schedule the machine to come OUT of
hibernation - the power is OFF.

However you CAN sit at a hibernated computer with your coffee, punch the
power button, and, before you finish your first sip, the machine is ready to
go. I'm serious - less than ten seconds from power on to ready for action.

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