I need help!



I've posted my cry of help before with my old database, and it doesn't seem
like nothing I did was working, so I've decided to scrap it and start from
scratch. But, I need help with creating my tables so I can do what I need it
to do. Any ideas will help. This is what the database is supposed to

Taxpayer Info
Delinquent Accounts (one Taxpayer can have multiple accounts)

The Delinquent Accounts table contains the base tax, the penalty, the total
tax, and the delinquent date.

The most important thing that this database is supposed to report on is the
payments for each account. The problem I'm running into is the calculated
fields on this report. They want the report to show 1) Date paid, 2) Amount
Paid, 3) Redemption Age (calculated field), 4) Redemption Penalty (calculated
amount), 5) Balance (calculated amount).

The first payment's calculations are different than the rest of the
payments. For example: For the first payment, the Redemption Penalty is
calculated by multiplying the base tax to the Redemption Age. But once the
other payments come in, the balance and the redemption penalty takes into
consideration the previous amounts paid. How do I do this?

How do I create a running balance report that shows the balance for each

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm starting to think that this can't
be done in Access. Any ideas?



You mention the structure for two tables -- Taxpayer Info & Delinquent
Accounts but nothing about Payments table requirements.

What data do you need to collect in that table?


Hi, Karl. Thanks for responding. The Payments table can just have the date
paid, fees owing, fees paid, and the amount paid.

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