I need a percentage Formula



Ok so basicly i want to know at how much do i need to sell a product to have
a 15% profit.

the problem is i get charged a 15% commision for selling my products on
Amazon with the Shipping included.

So if a product cost me $10 + $5 for shipping = $15 and i get charged 15% of
that, $ 2.25.

So how much do i need to sell my product to make 15% profit. i need a



Otto Moehrbach

Say your cost is X. That includes all of your costs. To make a 15% profit
you need to sell it for 1.15 times X.
This means:
Your Selling price=1.15*((Product cost + Shipping)*1.15)
HTH Otto

Roger Govier


It depends whether you are are saying you want 15% 15% markup on cost.

Total cost = (Cost + Shipping) * (1+commison%)
Commission of 15% =
Total Cost *(1+15%)
therefore True Cost = Total cost * (1 + 15%)
= Total Cost *1.15
with your example
True cost = (10+5)*(1+15%) = 17.25

With a Markup of 15%
Sale Price = 17.25 * (1+markup%) = 17.25 * (1+15%) = 17.25 * 1.15 = 19.84


It costs you $10 + $5 +$2.25 = $17.25 to sell your stuff on Amazon. To make
a 15% profit, you simply multiply your cost by 100% (your cost) + 15% (your
profit)or 115% or 1.15. Therefore your selling price has to be $17.25 * 1.15
= $19.84. $19.84 - $17.25 = $2.59 which is ($2.59 / $17.25) * 100 = 15%
(your profit).


Roger Govier

Hi David
You are probably right.
If that is the case, then it all depends whether the OP is wanting a 15%
return on turnover (sale price) or 15% markup on Cost.

If they want 15% on turnover (the same as Amazon) then sale price would be
Total Cost/(1-(15% + 15%))= Cost/(1-30%) = Cost/0.7 or 15/0.7 = 21.43
Amazon would receive 21.43 *15% = 3.21
Net proceeds to the OP would be 18.22 which after deducting the original 15
would leave them with 3.22

If they want a 15% markup on Total cost including Amazon's 15% of Sale price
then Sale Price would need to be
Total Cost * (1+15%)/(1-15%) = Total Cost*1.15/0.85 = 15*1.15/0.85 = 20.31
Amazon would receive 20.31 *15% = 3.05
Net proceeds to the OP would be 17.26 which after deducting the original 15
would leave them with 2.26 or 15% of 15.

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