I need a LDAP query to find a user from other domain in a local group of my domain




I have some local groups where I had to add user from other domains of
my forest.
If I have a login user, for example, SALL\josebv and I what to know in
which groups of my domain ALICANTE belongs... How can I find it asking
my LDAP?

Could somebody help me with a LDAP query to achieve this...??

thanks in advance.


Dominik Zurek

What domian is it - 2000 or 2003 ? You mean domain local groups ?

If it's 2003 domain you can use dsget command with LDAP path to the user
object. The path has to be changed by you to match your domain structure

dsget user "CN=josebv,OU=Sales,DC=SALL,DC=Com" -memberof -expand

As for the 2000 you can write a VBS script or use "ready to use" tool like
this one ( just look for them on Internet) :

Dominik Zurek

Joe Richards [MVP]

Actually memberof probably wouldn't be the right one to use here.

The better tool would be adfind


which will do an LDAP query for you. Specifically you want a query like

Base: Domain_DN
Filter: (&(objectcategory=group)(member=user_DN)

Do say you had the domain sall.com and the user josebv and want to look
up what groups he was in in child.sall.com I would do the following

1. Get the DN for the user

adfind -sc u:josebv -dsq

If you there is one user by that name in the forest you will get one DN,
if you have multiple users with that name you will get multiple DNs,
pick the correct one.

2. Look up group memberships (all one line)

adfind -b dc=sall,dc=com -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(member=<insert
user DN from 1>)" -dn

There is a little trick you can do as well which may be faster. If you
know of GC that is a DC for the domain controller for the domain the
group is in, you can do the following

adfind -h GC_Name -sc u:josebv memberof

That will show all universal group memberships of the user as well as
any domain local group memberships in the domain that the GC is a DC
for. If that domain is the same domain as the user is in then it will
also show direct global group memberships as well other than primary
group. A lot of folks with multiple domains think that only universal
group membership is maintained in the GCs, that is only partially true.
Due to the implementation, depending on the GC you hit, you could find
other memberships as well, you just have to be away of your architecture
and the Domain the GC is hosting.

Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

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