I just needed to share this with everyone!!



I was so excited when got my VISTA ver.5384 downloaded and burned to disc! I
couldnt wait to install it and try it out! I ran the compatability checker
and had only minor driver issues (of course i assumed i could deal with those
after, for they were only the web cam and the 1394 net adapter ) So anyway i
ran the upgrade install seemed to go smoothly till the desktop was loading
omg soooo slow!! then it happened the the driver isssues with my ATI
graphics, my monitor, my camera, my so called unkown device (still dont know
what that was lol) and so on... these were happening so fast and all at once
that my brand new HP PC crashed. ok restart try to deal with this one issue
at a time ... well to make a very long story short I (whom i consider pretty
savvy with my computers Dell, Compaq, HP and Gateway) was frustrated so i
decided to do a clean install and started over... same issues ready to throw
it all out the window ... slept on the situation ( drives me crazy when i
cant figure something out) got up this morning did a complete PC factory
recovery, went to microsoft downloaded every update i could find for this HP
(security, software and hardware) installed it all... then i went to HP.com
did an automatice device detect.. downloaded all the updates that pertained
to my system ( I stress this cause when it comes to firware its very case
specific) downloaded and installed it all. Now i never used any of the
programs after all of this except my IE 6. after all was said and done I
grabbed my DVD of VISTA ver. 5384 did the upgrade install and omg EVERYTHING
WENT OFF WITHOUT A HITCH. no slowness issues nothing I AM SO ECSTATIC I LOVE
IT!! VISTA ROCKS!! btw my graphics is ATI express 200 it detected and
installed without any problems. this was so worth the headaches and the
frustration.. i just wanted to share with all of those out there my
experiance and how i finally got it to work. Hang in there it will come to
you to!!


So what you are saying, is, making sure your XP installation and your drivers
were all current made your upgrade to Vista fly right?

I theorize that most of the posters having install problems haven't a clue
how to even do this. Their registries are a mess and heaven help them but
they never have actually clicked of the "Windows Update Button."


Not just that i had a heck of a time with programs trying to install that i
had used even once from my new computer like i said this is a new computer
(1 month) for instance when i got it i opened up the microsoft windows office
2003 put in the trial code than a week later got the 2007 beta to try (i use
office XP professional for my business) i could not get that to uninstall in
vista or to stop trying to install it kept wanting a disc which i didnt have
other devices would just show up as unknown and it was a trial and error
trying to figure out what they were so i could get drivers after 4 days of
this nightmare i made the decision to just bag it and factory install the
whole system


The first thing a person should do when they buy a new computer is reformat,
then partition, then install the OS and ONLY the software you want. This
prevents so many problems!

My sister had the same type of problem with trial-ware, only with Norton.
She purchased and installed Systemworks with a 1-year subscription and
because of the pre-installed AV 90-day trial, it refused to recognize the
1-year subscription date. Typical trial-ware issue, easily solved by
uninstalling the trial-ware first, but would never have happened if she had
followed the three easy steps.

Goodluck with the testing of Vista, and remember to report bugs and offer
feedback to MS.



I have a Dell E1505 and I too had the same problem with the net 1394 (
wireless device). The first time I ran the Vista install, ( from XP MC), I
noticed that my wireless worked; however, since I kept a bunch of sotware not
supported in Vista, I decided to run a clean Vista re-install...doing this I
was able to get a clean installation, but no wireless connection, I tried
downloading the drivers ( for the Dell 1394 WAN) and installing, but to no

I finally gave up a tried a restore ( New Dells use the CTRL+F11) to tap
into a partition that comes from the factory installation. BEWARE, the Vista
install will re-write the boot record and the CTRL+f11 will not work. I ended
up using an XP CD and installed XP first, did all the updates for it,
including ensuring the wireless network was operating, and then tried the
Vista install once again. As before, the wireless was recognized, the Intel
945GM was not, but simply choosing the driver update from the device manager
did the trick.

Bottom line for me, having a clean xp install + vista fixed my issues found
during the clean Vista install.

My laptop:
Vista 5384
Dell Duo Core 1505
Intel 945GM chipset
Dell 1394 wireless

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