I don't mean to SHOUT!!! BUT!!!



Are there any Naturalized US citizens answering on this forum?
On US Shores thats NOT been Outsourced!
I have listed this question for last 2 hours and no response....SQUEEK,

I can't seem to get this macro to work.
I am trying to display this total in a text box on my form.

Macro Name: CELLTOTL
Condition: TRUE
Action Name: SetValue
Arguments: [CELLTOTL], 57.46

Here is the expression in Macro:(All fields are currency)

I have even tried:

I still get the same error on each field data entered although the data
posts to the form ok.
Any help I can get is appreacated


Steve Schapel


I saw your messages before. They don't make sense. But then, I have
never been to the US, not do I have any desire to do so, so I guess I
don't qualify to help anyway.

AJ Raiber


If all you are doing is trying to enter a total, why
are you using a macro? Is this a total you need to store
for some reason? If not, just enter the formula in an
unbound box. If you do need to store the total for some
unknown reason then post again and we'll see what we can
come up with.

By the way, I only answer cause I am a really nice
person. I can understand your other response. If at
first you don't get a response in the future, try another
post to clarify the question. The help I have gotten here
has been from all over the world. rarely have I gotten
any responses from the US.




Thnk You
I have tried to place the
[OTHERCHARGES]+[NONCOMMRELATED]+[TAXES] in the field on the form. All I get
back is #Name? error.
I thank you for trying to help. Is there anything els I can try?


AJ Raiber said:

If all you are doing is trying to enter a total, why
are you using a macro? Is this a total you need to store
for some reason? If not, just enter the formula in an
unbound box. If you do need to store the total for some
unknown reason then post again and we'll see what we can
come up with.

By the way, I only answer cause I am a really nice
person. I can understand your other response. If at
first you don't get a response in the future, try another
post to clarify the question. The help I have gotten here
has been from all over the world. rarely have I gotten
any responses from the US.


-----Original Message-----
Are there any Naturalized US citizens answering on this forum?
On US Shores thats NOT been Outsourced!
I have listed this question for last 2 hours and no response....SQUEEK,

I can't seem to get this macro to work.
I am trying to display this total in a text box on my form.

Macro Name: CELLTOTL
Condition: TRUE
Action Name: SetValue
Arguments: [CELLTOTL], 57.46

Here is the expression in Macro:(All fields are currency)

I have even tried:

I still get the same error on each field data entered although the data
posts to the form ok.
Any help I can get is appreacated



Steve Schapel


Are you typing this expression into the Control Source of a textbox? If
so, the most common cause of this problem is a spelling error.
BALANCEADJ and MOSERVICE etc should refer to the names of fields which
are in the Record Source of the form. And the name of the textbox into
which you enter the expression must *not* be the name of a field in the
forms's recordsource.


this isn't a microsoft helpline, don. with few exceptions, the people (at
any skill level, including the MVPs) who answer questions here are doing it
on their own time - for free - and are not obligated to respond to *any*
post. if you come to the newsgroups often, you'll see that nobody announces
their nationality - because it's not important. personally, i'm happy to get
help from anyone who uses their valuable time to respond to me; i don't care
if they're from Mars.
by the way, i am a U.S. citizen, 5th generation, and i'll tell you that when
you write a conditional expression in a macro, you need to include the left
side of the equation. so
won't work.
[something] = [this]+[that]
will work, as long as the references are correct. think Where clause without
the Where.


Thanks Tina
Not because its important but my family has been here in US sence 1600's for
But waht you suggested about the left bracket was not mentioned when setting
up for macro. It Only stated "=[Something]+[somehingelse]" which didn't work
could you elaborate?


tina said:
this isn't a microsoft helpline, don. with few exceptions, the people (at
any skill level, including the MVPs) who answer questions here are doing it
on their own time - for free - and are not obligated to respond to *any*
post. if you come to the newsgroups often, you'll see that nobody announces
their nationality - because it's not important. personally, i'm happy to get
help from anyone who uses their valuable time to respond to me; i don't care
if they're from Mars.
by the way, i am a U.S. citizen, 5th generation, and i'll tell you that when
you write a conditional expression in a macro, you need to include the left
side of the equation. so
won't work.
[something] = [this]+[that]
will work, as long as the references are correct. think Where clause without
the Where.

Don said:
Are there any Naturalized US citizens answering on this forum?
On US Shores thats NOT been Outsourced!
I have listed this question for last 2 hours and no response....SQUEEK,

I can't seem to get this macro to work.
I am trying to display this total in a text box on my form.

Macro Name: CELLTOTL
Condition: TRUE
Action Name: SetValue
Arguments: [CELLTOTL], 57.46

Here is the expression in Macro:(All fields are currency)

I have even tried:

I still get the same error on each field data entered although the data
posts to the form ok.
Any help I can get is appreacated



i agree; being a 5th generation American doesn't matter, either. :) and
being any nationality doesn't matter here, at all. i said that because the
original post-er apparently had a problem with getting help from a
"foreigner", and it irked me a little.

anyway, to answer your question -
when a macro runs, it looks at the conditional statement and evaluates it as
True or False. so you need a complete statement. example:

Condition: [Field1] = 4 + 4
Action: Close

Access read this, roughly, as "If "Field1 = 8" is True, then perform the
Close action."
so if the conditional statement is incomplete, Access can't evaluate it as
True or False. if you left off the *right* side of the statement, it would
be easy to see that Access can't evaluate it, example:

Field1 =


JM said:
Thanks Tina
Not because its important but my family has been here in US sence 1600's for
But waht you suggested about the left bracket was not mentioned when setting
up for macro. It Only stated "=[Something]+[somehingelse]" which didn't work
could you elaborate?


tina said:
this isn't a microsoft helpline, don. with few exceptions, the people (at
any skill level, including the MVPs) who answer questions here are doing it
on their own time - for free - and are not obligated to respond to *any*
post. if you come to the newsgroups often, you'll see that nobody announces
their nationality - because it's not important. personally, i'm happy to get
help from anyone who uses their valuable time to respond to me; i don't care
if they're from Mars.
by the way, i am a U.S. citizen, 5th generation, and i'll tell you that when
you write a conditional expression in a macro, you need to include the left
side of the equation. so
won't work.
[something] = [this]+[that]
will work, as long as the references are correct. think Where clause without
the Where.

Don said:
Are there any Naturalized US citizens answering on this forum?
On US Shores thats NOT been Outsourced!
I have listed this question for last 2 hours and no response....SQUEEK,

I can't seem to get this macro to work.
I am trying to display this total in a text box on my form.

Macro Name: CELLTOTL
Condition: TRUE
Action Name: SetValue
Arguments: [CELLTOTL], 57.46

Here is the expression in Macro:(All fields are currency)

I have even tried:

I still get the same error on each field data entered although the data
posts to the form ok.
Any help I can get is appreacated


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