I do not find MS Outlook 2002 in installation MS office disc



I try to download SP3 for outlook 2002. I am asked to insert the disc Outlook
2002 to find the file outret.msi

I insert all 3 discs of Professional with Publisher Version 2002, but I can
not find the file.

I go to add/remove programs, I go to repair but again the same, I am asked
the CD disc. I have no different disc for outlook. I have the XP office discs

Please help, I can not open outlook messages with attachements. simple
messages messages without attachements can be opened.

Roady [MVP]

How would you think that those two issues are related? You don't need a
Service Pack just to open a message with attachments.

Anyway, could it be that you have installed Outlook 2002/XP by using a CD
that came with your Mobile Device? Insert that one and try again.

Another option would be to completely remove Office and then install it from
the CDs again. After this run Office Update several times to install SP3 and
additional patches.


Man cut the guy a break. He was just asking a question.

Roady said:
How would you think that those two issues are related? You don't need a
Service Pack just to open a message with attachments.

Anyway, could it be that you have installed Outlook 2002/XP by using a CD
that came with your Mobile Device? Insert that one and try again.

Another option would be to completely remove Office and then install it from
the CDs again. After this run Office Update several times to install SP3 and
additional patches.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

George said:
I try to download SP3 for outlook 2002. I am asked to insert the disc
2002 to find the file outret.msi

I insert all 3 discs of Professional with Publisher Version 2002, but I
not find the file.

I go to add/remove programs, I go to repair but again the same, I am asked
the CD disc. I have no different disc for outlook. I have the XP office

Please help, I can not open outlook messages with attachements. simple
messages messages without attachements can be opened.

Roady [MVP]

I asked him a return question that might clear his confusion and the general
confusion raised by his post. He's obviously suffering from an additional
issue which he tries to resolve by installing the service pack. Getting to
know the real issue instead of only the symptoms might come in handy and we
should be able to solve both.

I don't see how that is offensive.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Chocoholic said:
Man cut the guy a break. He was just asking a question.

Roady said:
How would you think that those two issues are related? You don't need a
Service Pack just to open a message with attachments.

Anyway, could it be that you have installed Outlook 2002/XP by using a CD
that came with your Mobile Device? Insert that one and try again.

Another option would be to completely remove Office and then install it
the CDs again. After this run Office Update several times to install SP3
additional patches.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

George said:
I try to download SP3 for outlook 2002. I am asked to insert the disc
2002 to find the file outret.msi

I insert all 3 discs of Professional with Publisher Version 2002, but I
not find the file.

I go to add/remove programs, I go to repair but again the same, I am
the CD disc. I have no different disc for outlook. I have the XP office

Please help, I can not open outlook messages with attachements. simple
messages messages without attachements can be opened.


I felt that the first two sentences of your initial reply were offensive.

Roady said:
I asked him a return question that might clear his confusion and the general
confusion raised by his post. He's obviously suffering from an additional
issue which he tries to resolve by installing the service pack. Getting to
know the real issue instead of only the symptoms might come in handy and we
should be able to solve both.

I don't see how that is offensive.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Chocoholic said:
Man cut the guy a break. He was just asking a question.

Roady said:
How would you think that those two issues are related? You don't need a
Service Pack just to open a message with attachments.

Anyway, could it be that you have installed Outlook 2002/XP by using a CD
that came with your Mobile Device? Insert that one and try again.

Another option would be to completely remove Office and then install it
the CDs again. After this run Office Update several times to install SP3
additional patches.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more

I try to download SP3 for outlook 2002. I am asked to insert the disc
2002 to find the file outret.msi

I insert all 3 discs of Professional with Publisher Version 2002, but I
not find the file.

I go to add/remove programs, I go to repair but again the same, I am
the CD disc. I have no different disc for outlook. I have the XP office

Please help, I can not open outlook messages with attachements. simple
messages messages without attachements can be opened.


Dear Roady

1. My sincere thanks. You solved my problem.
2. You helped me understand what the real problem was.

yes Outlook comes with the mobile device. I had forgot I had bought an IPAQ
with a separate installation disc that included the Outlook 2002. But when
problem arises I was trying to find the outlook in the Office CD's !!! was
searching wrong !

so I followed your instructions and now i can open each message with or
without attachments.

Problem raised when I was trying to open a message with an attachment. It
would not open, then to be prompt to send a report to microsoft. The report
was sent and the message that appeared was saying to try to install latest
updates. I tried then to install the update SP3 and then I was prompted for
the outlook 2002.

Again my sincere thanks.


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