I configured OE for newsgroups..what is the name of this newsgroup



I went to http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/expertzone/newsgroupsetup.mspx
and followedd the instructions for setting up Win XP newsgroups. In the
Newsgroup Subscriptions dialog box, I typed "microsoft.public.windowsxp to
display all the Win XP newsgroups. When I downloaded them, there were a
gazillion different groups.

Can you tell me both the name of this newsgroup and also how to tell the
name of any newsgroup?

Thanks in advance,

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This newsgroup is microsoft.public.word.docmanagement. To sort out the
gazillion newsgroups, in the Folders pane in OE, click on the folder for the
Microsoft news server (whatever you've called it). This will display all the
NGs you've subscribed to (if any). Click on the button for Newsgroups...,
which will open the Newsgroups Subscriptions dialog. In the "Display
newsgroups which contain" box, type ".word", and you'll get a list of all
the Word NGs. To eliminate the foreign-language ones, type "public.word". If
you scroll through the list, you'll get an idea of the hierarchy and figure
out appropriate search terms for locating NGs for other applications. Note
that some (such as Windows) are for specific versions; all the Word NGs,
however, are for all versions (except that there are specific ones for


Thanks, that was a big help. When I read the postings in OE, your responses
appear as subpostings to my original question. If I want to save the message
as one grouping, say to my desktop, how do I do it?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can select any message, right-click, and choose Copy to Folder, then
select a folder in OE to copy to (you can create new folders). If you click
the first message in a thread with the thread collapsed, the whole thread
will be copied (as I've discovered to my dismay).

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