I can't accept or decline tasks in Outlook 2003



I recently loaded office 2003/Outlook 2003. When I receive a task from
another user I am unable to accept or decline the task. Is there a
configuration I need to make since I upgraded from Office xp?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Why can't you? Do you get any error messages? What are they exactly if yes?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, coupleofdogs asked:

| I recently loaded office 2003/Outlook 2003. When I receive a task from
| another user I am unable to accept or decline the task. Is there a
| configuration I need to make since I upgraded from Office xp?

Tony Clark

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
Why can't you? Do you get any error messages? What are they exactly if

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, coupleofdogs asked:

| I recently loaded office 2003/Outlook 2003. When I receive a task from
| another user I am unable to accept or decline the task. Is there a
| configuration I need to make since I upgraded from Office xp?

I have a similar problem. I recieved 2 tasks from the same person and when I
try to delete, accept, decline or just about anything I get the following
error message:

"Outlook cannot do this action on this type of attachement"

I am using Outlook 2003 SP2 with all the current updates. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


There isn't any error message and I can click on both the accept and decline
boxes(the box makes a motion) but nothing happens at all. I also can't open
the task(by double clicking or right click/open), but can view it in the view

Any thoughts??


I have exactly the same problem! And I'm kind of relieved that you do too.
Clicking accept or decline does nothing, neither does double clicking the
item in the Inbox.

I've been trying to work out what changed in my system but can't. Even did a
system restore - nothing, a re-install - nothing, which leads me to believe
that perhaps my PST file is corrupt.

So I search my system for scanpst.exe and am now running a scan on my file.
I also found some information here that might help:

I'll post if this fixes anything but if anybody else has any ideas please
let us know!

Thank you

coupleofdogs said:
There isn't any error message and I can click on both the accept and decline
boxes(the box makes a motion) but nothing happens at all. I also can't open
the task(by double clicking or right click/open), but can view it in the view

Any thoughts??

Milly Staples said:
Why can't you? Do you get any error messages? What are they exactly if yes?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, coupleofdogs asked:

| I recently loaded office 2003/Outlook 2003. When I receive a task from
| another user I am unable to accept or decline the task. Is there a
| configuration I need to make since I upgraded from Office xp?


I'm having the exact same problem. I tried running scanpst.exe, and it
did find errors in the file. After repairing it, though, I still have
the same problem. I may try giving the computer a reboot to see if that
fixes it.


I am experiencing the same issue of not being about to accept task
assignments. this started after the security update on 1/12/06 I believe. i
can assign tasks to someone that has NOT taken the download and they can
accept. the issue comes when they or anyone else that HAS taken the new
update try and assign to me or anyone else who has had the update. you don't
have the ability to accept or decline the tasks anymore. any news on an
update in progress? i can see a bunch of people having issues within news
groups and here with this issue. Please reply.




Let me just add that I am having the same problems as the others. Click on
the accept and nothing happens. Sure would like have a fix for this problem.



Hi there,

I read on this Forum the solution for new tasks is to uninstall "Security
Update for Outlook 2003 (KB892843)" and reboot. This doesn't work for tasks
created before uninstall. This maybe done via the Add and Remove from the
Control Panel. Did this and my Tasks are now working again. I have read that
there will be fix in SP3.


Hello, Do you have a link you can provide that discusses this problem
further or states where there is supposed to be a fix in SP3? Thanks!

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

At present, there isn't any such definitive information available. All symptoms, though, point to this feature having been broken by the 892843 security update. When a hotfix is available, Microsoft will post details in their Knowledge Base. Search on kboffice2003presp3fix

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers



What I did was use the Search and entered "Can not accept tasks" and a bunch
of postings came up. Then read through most of them.


I finally bit the bullett and rang microsoft about this. Much discussion with
Tech Support (at no cost to me as they seemed to accept it wasn't a user
problem) reveled two items of note:

1. MS had no idea this problem existed as it appeared no-one had reported
it. They are now aware of the problem and I told them to referr to these
discussion groups if they didnt believe me or thought I was the only person
with this problem.

2. The tech I spoke to did acknowledge it was a serious problem and
undertook to send the reference up the line for the developers to look at.

They did not reccommend uninstalling any security updates. This would leave
systems vulnerable and it appears from the lates posts that more recent
updates may also be causing problems (is this latest one a cumilative

I would urge erveryone with this problem to contact MS tech support ASAP and
notify them of this problem. At the time I called they had not heard of this
issue at all (I can't believ that there is no-one in MS that monitors the
groups for this sort of thing). Until they realise how big and widespread the
problem is, I doubt they will give it the attention it requires.



I've had the same problem in the past... after researching I
uninstalled the (KB892843) update from my PC. Recently, in the past
week the problem resurfaced again!!!! This time it was not the
(KB892843) update's fault... I had made sure it would not download
automatically and double checked to see if it somehow made its way onto
my machine.

As it turns out I uninstalled the 2 most recent updates for outlook on
my machine (following the same add/remove... show updates procedure
used to remove KB892843). Here's what I uniinstalled

1. Update for Outlook 2003 (KB913807): OUTLOOKff
2. Update for Outlook 2003 (KB913807): OLKINTLff

Thath seems to have done the trick! I can now accept/decline tasks
assigned to me via outlook.

NOTE: I don't use outlook for my regular email anyhow... I only use it
to assign/receive tasks by using a separate email account dedicated for
this single purpose only. It makes managing tasks and dealing with
problems like this much easier when you know all your tasks emails are
relegated to one email account rather than being mixed up with the rest
of your regular email


We can send tasks w/o a problem but no one can accept them. This is
happening on all of our comptuers with Outlook 2003. Some our our people are
on different networks in different countries so I know this is a MS bug.
From reading this thread it has been going on for some time.

What is the best way to get MS to actually fix this? Should I write a snail
mail letter?

Roady [MVP]

When you indeed experience a bug it's best that you call them so that they
can directly collect all the info they need.

You haven't really posted any configuration info or exact error description
for us to work with. Define "no one can accept them". What happens when they
try or don't they have the Accept button? Does it work for people on the
same Exchange server, etc...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

We can send tasks w/o a problem but no one can accept them. This is
happening on all of our comptuers with Outlook 2003. Some our our people
on different networks in different countries so I know this is a MS bug.
From reading this thread it has been going on for some time.

What is the best way to get MS to actually fix this? Should I write a snail
mail letter?


In general problem looks very simple - butons doesn't work. Everything looks
OK, but When you push the button, nothing hapend. "Buttons doesn't work".

Roady said:
When you indeed experience a bug it's best that you call them so that they
can directly collect all the info they need.

You haven't really posted any configuration info or exact error description
for us to work with. Define "no one can accept them". What happens when they
try or don't they have the Accept button? Does it work for people on the
same Exchange server, etc...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

We can send tasks w/o a problem but no one can accept them. This is
happening on all of our comptuers with Outlook 2003. Some our our people
on different networks in different countries so I know this is a MS bug.
From reading this thread it has been going on for some time.

What is the best way to get MS to actually fix this? Should I write a snail
mail letter?

MDLH said:
I finally bit the bullett and rang microsoft about this. Much discussion
Tech Support (at no cost to me as they seemed to accept it wasn't a user
problem) reveled two items of note:

1. MS had no idea this problem existed as it appeared no-one had reported
it. They are now aware of the problem and I told them to referr to these
discussion groups if they didnt believe me or thought I was the only
with this problem.

2. The tech I spoke to did acknowledge it was a serious problem and
undertook to send the reference up the line for the developers to look at.

They did not reccommend uninstalling any security updates. This would
systems vulnerable and it appears from the lates posts that more recent
updates may also be causing problems (is this latest one a cumilative

I would urge erveryone with this problem to contact MS tech support ASAP
notify them of this problem. At the time I called they had not heard of
issue at all (I can't believ that there is no-one in MS that monitors the
groups for this sort of thing). Until they realise how big and widespread
problem is, I doubt they will give it the attention it requires.

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