Hyperlinks on FAQ page show visited when I navigate away and retur



FrontPage 2003. On the FAQ's page I have hyperlinks linked to bookmarks for
the answers. The page also contains hyperlinks to other websites and
documents with the site itself. When navigating using just the FAQ
hyperlinks everything works fine. That is the hyperlink shows as being
visited when the answer is viewed. The problem is when I navigate away to
another page or site, upon returning ALL of the hyperlinks to bookmarks on
the FAQ's page show as being visited. Can't figure this one out. Using XP
pro w/SP2. Any help would be appreciated. Only problem I've had.

Jack Brewster

Frequently people will put both the questions and answers on the same FAQ
page. If this is how you're page is configured, all the bookmarks will show
as read because the state of the link is based on the page being viewed, not
individual bookmarks on that page.

If this isn't the case, is there any chance you can provide a URL to the
page in question? Also, what browser are you using when you see this?


In Internet Explorer (and FrontPage Preview) that's how it works. When you
visit the page, you visit every bookmark on the page automatically - hence
the links show as visited.


Get OUT! Really?

So if I have

<a href="#1"

<a href="#2"

<a href="#3"

if I visit one, they will all show as visited? I don't think so.


In Internet Explorer if one shows as visited, they all show as visited. In
Netscape and Mozilla, they display as visited when you actually visit the
bookmark from the link.

Jack Brewster

I'd never noticed that behavior in Moz, et. al.

IE6 (SP2) appears to work the same way. At least, that is, until I reload
the page. After a reload, all the bookmark links show as read.


What a response! Well that certainly answers my question. Thank you all so
very much for taking the time to help out. Front Page is fairly intuitive
but that one had me stumped. BTW I am using IE6 w/SP2.

Bob Lehmann

if I visit one, they will all show as visited? I don't think so.
Perhaps you should actually try it, and remove all doubt.

Bob Lehmann

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