Hyperlinking within a Table



We built a FrontPage 2K3 Web site that includes a form. We used the FP2K3
database feature to create an Access 2K3 single table database connected to
the form. Additionally, we created two .ASP data results pages where we
display data results within the site. One results page displays a brief
summary of the data records, and the other page displays each record in
greater detail.

Our problem? How do we create/establish hyperlinks from fields in the
summary data page to their counterpart/respective fields in the full data
page? E.g., we want users to be able to go to the summary page first, see a
record they want to know more about, and permit them to click on a link there
that will take them to the specific, more detailed record, etc .. how can
this be done? Hope this makes sense --
Thank you --
Aug 11, 2006


No replies/answers in 2 weeks+ .. too late to help us .. so close it out ..
anyone care to venture an opinion as why no one was able to answer our
question?? .. thks,

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