Hyperlink excel window problem



I have some code which simply links froma command button on a useform to an
external htm file, which is saved locally, not on the internet.

ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "Tender files\Photos\index.htm"

When i click the button, the htm file launches, but i cannot get back to the
excel file. the program is there at the bottom of the screen, but alt+tab
does not show it, and even closing all other applications down does not show
it. I assume this is because the userform i clicked from is still active. is
there a way of stopping excel doing this without shutting the userform on
command button click?

Appreciate your help


I cannot reproduce this problem with XL2002, following your description.
Maybe you have something else happening in either the Excel or htm file.



The htm file is just a file with a picture - just a shell file until i've
built the web pages to link together, using Internet Explorer 6.0. The excel
file is just a bunch of userforms with tick boxes, navigated between by
command buttons.

I did just try to hide the userform after the hyperlink code, and doing this
means i can go back to the excel file, but it hasn't actually hidden the
form. It's not what i expected,or what it's supposed to do, but i guess it's
what i wanted.

It may be connected to how our systems are set up here (Windows 2000 with
loads of background processes going on)


Well, for me, hyperlinking to such a file has no effect on Excel. So looks
like something to do with your set-up/code.


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