HTTP Handler Woes



I can't get the httpHandlers settings to work my
web.config file

My httpHanders section in web.config looks like this:

<add verb="*" path="*.spud"

In my service's code-behind, I've got an AsynhHttpHandler
implementation of

namespace async
public class AsyncHttpHandler : IHttpAsynclHandler(...)

According to the documentation, specifying path
= "*.spud" should cause
asynch.AsyncHttpHandler to be processed whenever any page
with a .spud
extension is requested, but I can't get this to work.

What might I be doing wrong?

-- da

Jerry III

You also need to tell IIS it should send *.spud requests to .Net framework.
If you don't know how just read the IIS documentation.


Joshua Flanagan

You need to map the .spud extension to the ASP.NET runtime.

I'm assuming IIS 5 on Win2k... may be slightly different on other OS (like

Open Internet Services Manager, right click on your project's application
folder and view Properties.
In the Application Settings section (bottom of Virtual Directory tab), click
In the Application Mappings, find the .aspx extension. Click Edit.
Highlight the full path to the executable (aspnet_isapi.dll), right-click on
it and choose Copy. Cancel this window. (you do not want to change the
mapping for .aspx, you are just using it to get the path to the
Click Add. in the Executable textbox, right-click and choose Paste. You
should see the full path to the dll copied in the last step.
Set the extension to .spud
Set the other options as appropriate. Make sure "Check that file exists" is
unchecked if you dont really have files with the .spud extiension.
Click OK until you are out of the settings. YOu should be all set.

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