http 404 not found



Just started not searching the web when typing in like
chevy etc. Get this http 404 not found. Down loaded
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 247936. No help. What

Bobbie Seabolt

If all you're typing in the Address line is "chevy" I can easily believe
that you're getting a 404 not found.
Try typing that in a Google search line, instead.

Bobbiechevy etc. Get this http 404 not found. Down loaded
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 247936. No help. What


If all you're typing in the Address line is "chevy" I can easily believe
that you're getting a 404 not found.
Try typing that in a Google search line, instead.

Actually, if IE is running normally and search is enabled, it will
automatically bring up a search engine with "chevy" for subject if chevy
turns up a 404.

H Leboeuf

If you have tried with other search engines and still get the error then:

Qhosts virus/trojan, aka delude alert!

NAME: Delude
ALIAS: Trojan.BAT.Startpage.a
Delude is a trojan that is available on a web page. The web page contains a
code that uses a vulnerability in the Internet Explorer (MS03-032) to
More information about the vulnerability, including a fix, is available from
Microsoft at:
The HTA code available on a web page downloads a file "partyboy.exe" from an
ftp site and runs it. This file is is packed with UPX. It is a batch file
which was compiled to executable binary (".exe") using a BatToExe tool.
When executed, it changes the Internet Explorer start page to
It prevents access to the most major search engines such as Google, Yahoo,
Lycos, MSN and AltaVista. To do this it replaces the following file:


Removal tool that has been used with success.

Sandi - Microsoft MVP


Robert Aldwinckle

if IE is running normally and search is enabled, it will
automatically bring up a search engine with "chevy" for subject if chevy
turns up a 404.

Chevy would be more likely to fail a DNS lookup...

MSN used to do that in conjunction with RealNames
and some hijackers may do that but the best way
to ensure that you are using your default search engine
from the Address bar is to use either question mark (?)
find or go as a command prefix to signal that.

AFAIK this article describes the way AutoSearch used to work.
My experience is that in IE6 AutoSearch behaves more like the article
describes the way it worked in IE4. (E.g. trying domain lookup before
trying AutoSearch even for single word "search".) Unfortunately
I can't find anything which validates this observation.

<title>221754 - How to Search the Internet from the Address Bar in Internet Explorer</title>

Note that Internet Explorer 4 and Internet Explorer 5 do not automatically
search or scan for single-word queries that you type in the Address bar on
the desktop or taskbar. To use the AutoSearch feature from the Address
bar on the desktop or taskbar, type <KBD>?</KBD> before your search
term or terms.

BTW I suspect that that quote was not highlighted quite the way it might
have been intended in the original article. It doesn't seem to have anything
particular to do with the first sentence of the paragraph it appears in and
the layout of the source seems to confirm my suspicion.

(TechNet search for
AutoSearch MSN


Robert Aldwinckle

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