HTML Text Editor



This is driving me crazy! I may have screwed up a setting!

When changing between Design view and HTML view, Visual Studio completely
screws up the formatting of the HTML. It gets even wackier when the html
contains UserControls.

I have tried turning off all formatting setting, but have had no success.....
Is there a solution to this problem?
Can I change my editor to textpad?


Kevin Spencer

I use FrontPage to do my HTML, then paste it into my Template in VS.Net.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
What You Seek Is What You Get.

Lucas Tam

This is driving me crazy! I may have screwed up a setting!

When changing between Design view and HTML view, Visual Studio
completely screws up the formatting of the HTML. It gets even wackier
when the html contains UserControls.

Yes and you know what - VS.NET sometimes rewrites your HTML causing it to
screw up.

In your IDE options, you should be able to turn off rewriting/reformatting
of HTML code. Too bad it's not a default option, because if you're coding
with multiple people and they don't have that option off, it could mangle
your templates.

Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

The only great solution is to upgrade to Visual Studio 2005, which comes out
later this year.


It's not a great solution, but there is a command to format the document,
which will tabify the page pretty well. Edit->Advanced ->Format Document.
The shortcut is ctrl-k, ctrl-d

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