HScrollbal and textbox



Just wondering if there's a fast and easy way to scroll a long text in a
short textbox with a hscrollbar. I have see on msdn an example but was too
long and complicated. There's a easier solution?

(I hope I was clear enough, I have a textbox with a long text within, I want
put a hscroollbar below the textbox to allow user to see the typed text till
the end)


Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

poldoj said:
Just wondering if there's a fast and easy way to scroll a long text in a
short textbox with a hscrollbar. I have see on msdn an example but was too
long and complicated. There's a easier solution?

Set the textbox' 'Multiline' property to 'True', 'ScrollBars' to
'Horizontal' or 'Both', and 'WordWrap' to 'False'.


Thank you so much, that worked indeed, using the hscrollbar component was
really painful

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