HP Pavilion gives equal billing to AMD and Intel


Yousuf Khan

HP's US website seems to feature an equal number of AMD and Intel-based
Pavilion systems now. I'm not sure how HP managed to do that, given that it
gets Intel Inside advertising dollars. Not only is it featuring an equal
number of systems between the two, it seems to use superior marketing
language for the AMD systems!

Also looking at the tea-leaves of corporate politics, does this show that
there is some kind of feud going on between HP and Intel right now?

Inquirer article: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=16175

HP website:

Yousuf Khan


HP's US website seems to feature an equal number of AMD and Intel-based
Pavilion systems now. I'm not sure how HP managed to do that, given that it
gets Intel Inside advertising dollars. Not only is it featuring an equal
number of systems between the two, it seems to use superior marketing
language for the AMD systems!

Also looking at the tea-leaves of corporate politics, does this show that
there is some kind of feud going on between HP and Intel right now?

Inquirer article: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=16175

HP website:

Yousuf Khan

Maybe HP's marketing guys figured that since Intel systems basically
sell themselves the AMD's needed some "superior" convincing words to
sell them to the same consumers they have brainwashed (with Intel's
help) for so many years.


Yousuf Khan

Ed said:
Maybe HP's marketing guys figured that since Intel systems basically
sell themselves the AMD's needed some "superior" convincing words to
sell them to the same consumers they have brainwashed (with Intel's
help) for so many years.

Maybe, but that must mean that AMD is coming up with its own marketing bucks
these days. :)

Yousuf Khan


Maybe, but that must mean that AMD is coming up with its own marketing bucks
these days. :)

Yousuf Khan

I doubt it, but I'd bet HP is getting those AMD chips at ultra-low
prices. ;p


Rob Stow

Ed said:
Maybe HP's marketing guys figured that since Intel systems basically
sell themselves the AMD's needed some "superior" convincing words to
sell them to the same consumers they have brainwashed (with Intel's
help) for so many years.


Intel systems most assuredly do NOT sell themselves.

Intel sells them.

Intel spends so much on advertising Intel processors that more
than half of the marketing job is already done before an OEM
starts banging parts together to build a system around an Intel

Intel vs AMD reminds of the Windows - 2.x, 3.x or 95 - vs OS/2
days: OS/2 was a vastly superior product but Windows had much
better marketing behind it. It is much the same today - only and
idiot would pick P4 or Xeon instead AMD64, but unfortunately
there are a LOT of idiots out there who are susceptible to the
kind of drivel Intel pumps out over the TV networks.


Rob Stow said:
Intel systems most assuredly do NOT sell themselves.

Intel sells them.

Intel spends so much on advertising Intel processors that more
than half of the marketing job is already done before an OEM
starts banging parts together to build a system around an Intel

and I never EVER build P4 system, none of my friends or customers wanted
it either. Price comparison between P4 and AMD is obvious, noone wanted
"intel inside" sticker, they all wanted better Logitech keyboard and
mouse for the price difference.
All it takes is someone smart enough to count and Intel bubble bursts.



Intel systems most assuredly do NOT sell themselves.

Sure they do. ;p
Intel sells them.

I never seen any Intel branded PCs here, just "Intel Inside". ;p
Intel spends so much on advertising Intel processors that more
than half of the marketing job is already done before an OEM
starts banging parts together to build a system around an Intel

YES, that was the point, HP doesn't have to bend over backwards since
Intel does most of that for them.
Intel vs AMD reminds of the Windows - 2.x, 3.x or 95 - vs OS/2
days: OS/2 was a vastly superior product but Windows had much
better marketing behind it. It is much the same today - only and
idiot would pick P4 or Xeon instead AMD64, but unfortunately
there are a LOT of idiots out there who are susceptible to the
kind of drivel Intel pumps out over the TV networks.

Well I always say, Intel is 90% marketing 10% technology. ;P
.... maybe 80/20?



Ed said:
Maybe HP's marketing guys figured that since Intel systems basically
sell themselves the AMD's needed some "superior" convincing words to
sell them to the same consumers they have brainwashed (with Intel's
help) for so many years.


Most-likely scenario is that HP is big enough to say to Intel, "We'll buy 10
million units if you don't give us any crap about AMD, otherwise you can
take your 'Intel Inside' and shove it 'Sideways Inside.'"

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