HOWTO: Use HTTPModule to add items to Response.ServerVariables?




I am trying to add items to the ServerVariables Collection for some custom
processing. In the past this needed to be done with an ISAPI filter. I am
told now that I can do this with a class file that implements IHTTPModule.

Below is my code but I can't get it to work. I don't get any errors but I
don't get any headers added to my collection either. Let me note that I have
added the correct data to the web.config file and the Begin process End
process messages do appear on the pages so I know the code and module are
connected. But, I cannot get any items added to ServerVariables collection

******* CODE START **************
namespace HttpModuleExamples
public class CustomHttpModule : IHttpModule
// IHttpModule members
public void Init(HttpApplication httpApp)
httpApp.BeginRequest +=
new EventHandler(this.OnBeginRequest);

httpApp.EndRequest +=
new EventHandler(this.OnEndRequest);

public void Dispose()
// Usually, nothing has to happen here...

// event handlers
public void OnBeginRequest(object o, EventArgs ea)
HttpApplication httpApp = (HttpApplication) o;
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
ctx.Response.Buffer = true;
ctx.Response.Write("Beginning Request 2<br>");

// Classic ASP used to give error because of duplicate above, ASP.NET
does nothing

// Does not work: Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Cannot
directly modify server variables.

// Does not work: Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Cannot
directly modify server variables
//ctx.Request.ServerVariables.Add("SM_HDR","SOME DATA");


public void OnEndRequest(object o, EventArgs ea)
HttpApplication httpApp = (HttpApplication) o;
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;

ctx.Response.Write("Ending Request <br>");

*********** CODE END ***********

*********** TEST HARNESS ********
<%@ Page Language="C#" trace="false"%>
Hello World! Here's how the HttpModules work...
<table border=1>
<td><b>Variable Name</b></td>
<% foreach (String var in Request.ServerVariables.AllKeys)
Response.Write("<td><b>" + var + "</b></td>");
Response.Write("<td>" + Request.ServerVariables[var] + "&nbsp</td>");

******** TEST HARNESS END **************

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