How to use arithmetic rounding in Access



How to use arithmetic rouding in Access? so that the result is the same when
doing round() in Excel.


Kipp Woodard

Round(expression [,numdecimalplaces])

Select Round(MyNumberColum, 2) From MyTable.

John Spencer

In Access Round uses Banker's rounding. It rounds up or down to the nearest
even number if the last position is a 5.

Round(1.125,2) = 1.12
Round(1.115,2) = 1.12

Excel rounds those to 1.13 and 1.12 respectively.

There are various VBA functions that attempt to duplicate the EXCEL method of
rounding. Here is one (although the author claims it rounds negative numbers

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Kipp said:
Round(expression [,numdecimalplaces])

Select Round(MyNumberColum, 2) From MyTable.

Boon said:
How to use arithmetic rouding in Access? so that the result is the same when
doing round() in Excel.


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