How to uninstall/reinstall IE6 on Win XP???



Ever since Windows Update installed KB832894 on my Windows XP Home system, MS Encarta 2004 Deluxe will not work (refer to my appends in the Encarta forum). I've spent a couple days cleaning my system of spyware and search tool redirectors, and I'm afraid one of them have corrupted some piece of IE6. I'd like to uninstall IE6 and reinstall. How do I go about doing that

I've been to Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windows Components, and unchecked Internet Explorer, but that does not uninistall it - the icon disappears from my desktop, but the executables are left on my drive. I've tried to install the latest IE while in that state, but I get some error message (a later version already installed). I cannot delete the Internet Explorer directory or files, even after the component was removed, due to sharing violation. Apparently Windows uses IE even if that component was "removed" from the system

Any suggestions?


You can get IE6, the full package from: - Browser Archive

You can remove your current installation of IE with IEradicator from
Tom McSweeney said:
Ever since Windows Update installed KB832894 on my Windows XP Home system,
MS Encarta 2004 Deluxe will not work (refer to my appends in the Encarta
forum). I've spent a couple days cleaning my system of spyware and search
tool redirectors, and I'm afraid one of them have corrupted some piece of
IE6. I'd like to uninstall IE6 and reinstall. How do I go about doing
I've been to Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windows Components, and
unchecked Internet Explorer, but that does not uninistall it - the icon
disappears from my desktop, but the executables are left on my drive. I've
tried to install the latest IE while in that state, but I get some error
message (a later version already installed). I cannot delete the Internet
Explorer directory or files, even after the component was removed, due to
sharing violation. Apparently Windows uses IE even if that component was
"removed" from the system!


I got the IE6 full package. Unfortunately IEradicator does NOT work on Windows XP - that statement is in bold red letters on the web site your link goes to. Any other suggestions?

Robert Aldwinckle

Apparently Windows uses IE even if that component was "removed"
from the system!

You can not remove IE6 from XP. The Add/Remove item you are
referring to is a 0Kb item which merely permits you to add IE icons
to your Start menu or Desktop.

Any suggestions?

Have you tried a Google Groups search with

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